
Network Nature Annual Event

24-25 of September, 2024 | Brussels, Belgium

The NeuroLandscape team just returned from an incredible few days at the NetworkNature EU Annual Event in Brussels! What a wonderful blend of insightful discussions, knowledge-rich myth-busting panels, and interactive hands-on workshops, all reinforcing the key message of the event: Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are not a luxury but a necessity to tackle global challenges.

A Breakdown of the Event: Tuesday, 24th of September (Task Force Cluster Meeting)

On the 24th of September, 2024, our team was welcomed to Network Nature's Task Force Cluster meetings at the historic Flemish Theatre. We were joined by leading academics, experts, and activists , EU-funded Horizon project representatives (not to mention from our own GreenME Project and GreenInCities projects), MEPs, EU Commission officers, and other key players from across the world in the Nature-based Solutions community. That morning our team joined the AI and Digital Solutions and the NbS Assessment Indicators tables as part of our Cluster talks. We are confident that the discussion and the ideas developed based on these exchanges could lead to further funding for future initiatives 🌍! The day wrapped up with a summary of the next steps for each Task Force, setting the stage for upcoming collaborations.

A Breakdown of the Event: Wednesday, 25th of September (Network Nature's Annual Conference)

This year, the Network Nature's Annual Conference took place on the 25th of September, 2024 at the Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles. The theme was "Busting Myths," featuring brilliant keynote speakers and thought-provoking panels. The panel topics included Regenerating nature :  Soil & Water, Nature governance : Nature for people, and Economy for and with nature. Here are some key takeaways from the talks:
➙ "If we try to give nature a monetary value, do we value nature, or do we value money?”
➙"As individuals, do we have the power to bring about change?"
➙"We cannot debunk the myths. Only the myth carriers can, and this process will be painful. We can, however, have our arguments and evidence ready.”                                                                        ➙"Are we too comfortable preaching to the converted?"

We’re proud to share that our poster on the Contemplative Landscape Model was exhibited alongside other NbS case studies during the "Busting Myths" sessions.

The event was a fantastic opportunity for collaboration, providing valuable insights on how we can push NbS forward through collective effort and innovation. We would like to extend our thanks to NetworkNature EU and all the participants for creating a wholesome and knowledge-inspiring experience!

We’re excited to keep driving efforts to help communities embrace Nature-based Solutions for a more sustainable future!

Anna Maria Draft 4

Nature in Mind: An Interview with Dr. Anna María Pálsdóttir

Dr. Anna María Pálsdóttir is the Senior Lecturer/Assistant Professor in Environmental Psychology at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), the Department of People and Society. She is a professional horticulturist with a BSc in Biology & Horticulture Sciences and a MSc and PhD in Landscape Planning and Environmental Psychology.

Photo Credit: Jenny Svennås-Gillner

Dr. Pálsdóttir works with conceptual development and scientific evaluations of nature-based and nature-assisted interventions that are conducted to various outdoor environments for different target groups. Her research also focuses on the content and design of sustainable outdoor environments for human health and well-being. The research is conducted in close collaboration with national and international universities, governmental offices, and various stakeholders.

Additionally, Dr. Pálsdóttir has a vast graduate level teaching experience. She is one of the founders of the Outdoor Environments for the Health and Well-being Master’s program (OWH) and has developed many courses focusing on nature-based and animal assisted interventions and sensory expression in outdoor environments. She is one of three SLU educators running the SLU Landscape Teachers Synergy Forum.



On the 4th of July, 2024, I sat down with Dr. Anna María Pálsdóttir in a cozy office with a view towards an oak forest at the campus of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). We had just completed a round of field trips to the locations of the Nature-based Rehabilitation (NBR) program providers, also known as the Skåne-model, or Naturunderstödd Rehabilitering (NUR), which she facilitates as the academic advisor.

The program is founded on extensive research from the Alnarp Rehabilitation Garden, run by SLU. It emphasizes the role of nature in aiding patients to recover from stress-related mental illnesses, specifically exhaustion syndrome, mild to moderate depression, and anxiety. You can learn more about the program on this blog post.

In this interview, we discuss Dr. Anna María Pálsdóttir journey into the world of academic research, specifically on nature-based solutions , and the origins of the NBR program. You can find the full video format of the interview on the link here.



Annetta: Anna-Maria, thank you so much for sitting down with me. I would like to start the interview by asking, can you tell me a little bit about yourself and how you came to be interested in nature and mental health?

Dr. Anna María Pálsdóttir: I am a researcher at the Swedish University of Agriculture Science. I’ve been interested in nature my entire life, but it wasn’t until I started to do my PhD, or just prior to the PhD, that I understood the importance for mental health by observing what’s around me. Also through my previous work in Iceland in the botanical garden, and seeing how people came not only for learning about plants, but for pleasure and wellness. And that led me towards focusing on plants and the environment, the landscape, and into more environmental psychology and public health. Thinking about how we can build and use nature and natural elements to promote our health.

Annetta: Can you discuss some of the work that you’ve been doing within your research that directly connect with mental health and nature?

Dr. Anna Maria Pálsdóttir evaluating a landscape using CLM, July 2024.

Anna María Pálsdóttir: All my work has to do with this interaction of environment, the outdoor setting, where the natural environment and natural elements dominate, and how different people connect and use nature. We as a research team look specifically into the qualities and properties, and the sensory stimuli from the natural environment and how we can promote health both in everyday life and also in specifically rehabilitation settings.

Then we have a long-standing collaboration with the healthcare authorities in Skåne, our county, to find a way to use nature to be part of the healthcare system, which is now implemented, and how we can get nature to be a regular part of our public healthcare. We are celebrating 10 years this year since the first implementation, but we are always leveling up for every procurement there is.

And we have been through three procurements. We level up each round using evidence-based methods. We look into all research, medical, healthcare, landscaping, and environmental psychology and find the best reasoning and motivation behind them. And now we are also heading towards doing an evaluation of this 10-year project to see the health effects, the reasons behind why the healthcare authority or primary healthcare professional refer their clients. Are the patients happy? What’s their experience? And, of course, for those running nature-based intervention provider centres, what are the pros and cons, and what do they need?

We talk a lot about sustainable business management and sustainable management of the outdoor setting and sustainable health. It’s all linked. And we’re going to look into all those aspects and try to to understand, to describe and build in more evidence if this is working as a health-promoting tool.

Annetta: Before we dive deeper into the program you’re running now, I want to discuss the context of the Swedish healthcare system. What were the things you were seeing before you started your work within the healthcare system? And what were the needs that you thought you could help in developing and improving?

Anna María Pálsdóttir: Well, actually, the help and the reach-out came from the healthcare authorities.

Swedish University of Agriculture (SLU), July 2024.

The research team here in Alnarp, run by Professor Patrik Grahn, was looking for a way to collaborate with the healthcare authorities and they did with a good result. [The healthcare authorities] realized that this is something to be counted on in the healthcare system to be implemented and something that could be used and beneficial for illnesses that are lifestyle-related.

You cannot just give a cure pill or treatment for something that has to do with lifestyle and working situations. And so, this reach-out came from the healthcare authorities saying we need more alternatives. They said they see that this is really working, and could they collaborate and find a model we could implement. So, that’s actually how it started for me to be part of that team.

Annetta: Let’s say somebody who sees a need in their own country, what would you suggest to them if a country does not have this kind of reaching-out system but does have a need that would have been similar to Sweden’s need?

Anna María Pálsdóttir: I think it’s reasoning and showing best practices, having a dialogue about what are the challenges. There are always similar challenges somewhere else. Could this [approach] be implemented? So, it all starts with dialogue. And starting to have a mutual interest and wanting to find a solution.

Annetta: Now, let’s dive into your program. Can you take me through it step by step? Let’s say you came into the meeting with the healthcare authorities. How did you go from Step A to actually implementing this program and who are the different actors?

Anna María Pálsdóttir: Well, it takes some time and you’re not doing it alone. You’re doing it as a team. We have a team from the university. We have a team from the healthcare authorities in Skåne. We have the social security system and we have the labor market representative for all of those because everybody is coming and has connections with somebody who is on a sick leave. We came together and started not exactly from scratch. We had experience from a rehabilitation garden project we ran with the university.

So, it starts basically with mind mapping. Who has what responsibility? Who can do what? And then gradually build up a feasibility study. We did a two-year feasibility study before this was implemented and pulled data and research from different sites as well. So, it’s kind of the multi-steps starting from quite simple to quite complicated. But it doesn’t end when you implement [the program].

You need to follow it through and see that the quality remain the same throughout. Not the same, of course, for the quality needs to improve in all aspects. So, there are many steps. It takes time, but you have to be committed and believe that there’s a solution always ahead and reach those solutions as well and then go on to the next step.

Annetta: Did you see any resistance from any of the actors in the beginning stages?

Anna María Pálsdóttir: Not really. We had committed champions from the different governmental offices. They were keen on exploring how can we solve this. But within each kind of system there is always a skeptical mind. And then you just need to understand what kind of information you need to share with them. Also starting a dialogue and having understanding communication, not just throwing evidence on people, but also understanding what are the needs, why do they want to know more, what they don’t want.

Site visit of a provider of the NBR program, July 2024.

Maybe they don’t want to know more and they’re just ignoring it. Fine. But, of course, you will always have the voice that is says there’s not enough evidence. “We need more evidence!”

Of course, we do. That’s where research comes in. Otherwise, I would be out of work. We have to think that today this is our knowledge level, but we can always level up. But we can also say we know a lot already. We have a lot of research backing up why nature is good for you, why daylight is good for you, why exercise outdoors is good for you. Combining this into health care, this is not rocket science. I think it’s a really good point that we have a lot of professionals working within the health care system that want to move outdoors. They are trained indoors, but they see the benefits of bringing their clients outdoors.

We can talk about two kinds of rooms, indoor and outdoor. Those professionals want to come out because they see the benefits. Many have said that I can help my client in a much better way when we are outdoors with all the sensory stimuli than indoors. I think within this system where there are critics, they are slowly understanding that this is really not rocket science. It’s basic human things. We are born and raised in nature. We come from nature. We did not being born in this kind of environment. Coming out and getting back into, as I said, daylight, multi-stimuli.

We have more physical possibilities and physical activities. Even when we are indoors, we have created a scene and people take their role and position. I’m a teacher. I have my students in front of me. But when I’m outdoors with them, everybody has knowledge to share. Everybody is an expert on something. That kind of becomes a much more dynamic learning environment. So I see this as a teacher. And I can definitely imagine those who have got the taste of it, bringing your clients outdoors, how much valuable it is. I’m not saying the one thing is better than the other, but we should see the equal possibility to be indoors or outdoors. So you have your program.

Annetta: Can you tell me the name of the program?

Anna María Pálsdóttir: This particular program is called Naturunderstöd Rehabilitering på landsbygden, region Skåne modellen. So basically we call it NUR Landsbygd Skåne modell. And it is implemented through, in English, a kind of nature-based rehabilitation in the countryside, and it’s called Skåne model.

Annetta: Can you tell me who this program is targeted for and the elements that built this program into what it is?

Anna María Pálsdóttir: It is targeted for individuals or you could say a “patient” clinically diagnosed with mental exhaustion or burnout, depression and anxiety. This is like the primary target group. So if you have one of those three, you have succeeded with the inclusion criteria. So it’s particularly done for those three clinical diagnosis. And this is not a treatment. It is an add-on to ongoing treatment as a support.

Dr. Anna María Pálsdóttir and colleague evaluating the site of the NBR program provider, July 2024.

This is giving the clients or participants them the possibilities to mental recovery and physical recovery in an undemanding environment. And, as we said, being in daylight, because many of them are indoor all day, never going out, not even to shop or meet family. So just coming out, breaking the social isolation, meeting other people in the same situation seems to be also very important because you don’t have to explain yourself. Everybody understands. In that sense, it’s a freedom.

You can just do what you need. Basically, a lot of people that start with rest in nature, we call it you are resting in, you’re awake but you’re resting. And those we have interviewed say, this is not the same rest as being indoor, sitting on your couch. Here you have a moderate stimuli of smell, what you hear, natural sounds, what you see. And all of those things are kind of helping you to calm down. Then gradually you build up your energy.

Many have said that after a while, when they kind of recover, they say that it’s like they were on their knees but now they’re standing up. This is the comparison they’re using. Then they can start to use more rehab alternatives because when you have, for example, mental exhaustion, your executive function are out. So the cognitive side of thinking and making sense of things is not there. And this is also about how to get down into the body, feeling alive and one with your body. Some people don’t even smell anything. They don’t really feel anything. So it’s about getting back to your body and gradually coming up in the thoughts and being able to make sense of what’s being done in the other rehab alternatives.

Annetta: How do these patients or clients able to get into the program?

Anna María Pálsdóttir: They are referred by primary care. The medical doctor makes the diagnosis and if they fit one of the three criteria, the “primary criteria,” you can, if you want to, be referred to this intervention.

Annetta: And what is the “primary criteria”?

Anna María Pálsdóttir: You have to be diagnosed with one of the three ICDS codes: mental exhaustion, depression, and anxiety.

Annetta: Can you tell me a little bit about the providers?

Anna María Pálsdóttir: If you’re diagnosed with one of these primary criteria, I [as the medical professional] would say, okay, there is the list. You take the list and say, okay, who’s offering this? Where do they live? You’re allowed to go anywhere. So you could find their description, what they offer, where they are. And then you could say, ah, this one is really interesting. You make contact and say, I would be interested to come for a visit just to see what your place is about. You visit and feel comfortable with them. You may think the environment is interesting.

Or maybe you’re into horses. There’s a horse there, so you want to stay. So then you decide you’re starting. Then the primary healthcare will send a referral through the healthcare system and say, Ana Maria is coming and she’s chosen that particular Nature-based provider, NBI provider. And then you can start your eight-week visit. But you don’t sleep over.

Annetta: They just come for half the day. Is that correct?

Anna María Pálsdóttir: Four hours a day, three days a week. And you need to be able to manage this trip back and forth on your own to be able to be part of the program.

Annetta: How do providers become providers? What is the process?

Anna María Pálsdóttir: Through the official procurement. That means there is a list of all kinds of things you have to pass, basically. There’s a legal issue, there’s a business issue. Then it comes to your outdoor environment, and it comes to the program and who’s working there and so on, what kind of profession do they have. So, there is like a list of qualifications.

If you pass that, then you’re in the evaluation. So, this is kind of first sorting out yes and no. And when you get the yes, you will go into the stage of a more detailed evaluation further on, especially about the outdoor environment and the program.

Annetta: What do these providers and their locations look like? What are these certain criteria that they have to tick off in order to be able to qualify?

Anna María Pálsdóttir: Actually, many. There is everything from the physical properties, what’s there, what kind of greenery or plants and landscape there is, also how it’s connected with each other. There is like quite a long list you need to tick for the environment, for other facilities that you need to be able to access, and also accessibility. You need to be able to get there.

So from our experience, if you’re too far out, or it’s difficult to get there, you will not get the clients. You need to also think about the placement of where in the county you are and how easy it is to access your place. A lot of these providers, they obviously have work themselves, they have other business that they run.

Annetta: So what is the pull for these people to become providers? What are your thoughts about why these people running these places want to be with this program?

Anna María Pálsdóttir: I would say, I haven’t done any evaluation, but my experience and take home after 10 years working closely with providers, is that they are interested in people, they are interested in nature, animals, and they are interested in welfare in general. There are, of course, people that are business-minded and are doing it for more financial gain, but there is always a heart. There is always a heart in there.

I have not met anyone without the heart, kindness and care for both the environment and people. I think that’s the general profile of a provider.

Annetta: Walk me through a day of a client at one of the providers.

Anna María Pálsdóttir: Everybody has to follow a certain structure, and that structure is based on our research. What our client said was they wanted a safe environment where they felt secure and safe.

Successful completion of an evaluation of the landscape of a NBR program provider.

The start of the day is the welcome. You gather the group and you see who’s here. The welcome is quite short, or it can be short, but then you move on to the patient’s own time. They find their spot, they can walk, they can sit, they can do whatever, but it’s their own time to relax and come even further down to the relaxation. Then there is an open offer and an invitation if they want to be part of some activities, and they can choose if they want to. And if they aren’t up to it today or they have the urge to walk or an urge to sit in the sun or whatever, they can do that. But there is also an organized activity that they are invited to participate in.

That’s really important. The participants themselves are not running the project. They are like guests and they can go in and out as they please, without any explanation. So they could come and look at what you’re doing, and then realize they don’t really want to do this.

They just withdraw without having to excuse themselves or explain anything. This is something we learned from our research that it’s really important to be able to have the freedom here, because quite a lot of people in this situation are used to making sure everybody else is okay and never attending to themselves. And now this is the time when they can attend to themselves and their own needs.


Annetta: How would you define success of the program? Or how would you define success for each participant or client? Have you had any feedback or gathered any data?

Anna María Pálsdóttir: Yeah, definitely. Especially from the research we did two years prior to this implementation. We saw that there is this way, they call it, I come back to myself, I can feel I’m alive, and I feel I want something. You could call it an awakening. Coming back to life is one of the successes. That’s actually the basically first step of moving forward, not to be in the same place as always. Even though the entire program and the research is based on people that have been on sick leave for a shorter time, we have clients that have been on a sick leave for 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 years! That’s a quite long time.

Of course they are helped by the program, but this should come much earlier in their sick leave to be helped back on track. They have a new orientation, they rediscover an old interest or they gain a new interest. It’s really kind of seeing hope, seeing the light, and wanting to go on, not being just sick and giving up. Many have just given up on everything. Even on their family and friends. So, coming into our environment where you can feel normal, you can actually laugh, and you can feel happy, that is kind of setting the process of, we could say, happy hormone. And of course you do sport or something else, that’s also how you level up your happy hormones.

This is one way to come in action again. What we see of course is also that in the pilot and the feasibility study we did before, we could see that every person in that program over two years, moved from being more or less on a sick leave to starting to move forward 25%, some 50%. They were moving forward toward, you could say, the labour market again. But it has to become an option much sooner when you’re on sick leave.

Annetta: How do you continuously evaluate and ensure that the program is running to high quality standards? You mentioned the procurement coming up. What is your process and what are you doing now?

Anna María Pálsdóttir: I have been looking for more methods than we have implemented. How can we ensure that the outer environment we are selecting actually hold high quality and are actually restorative? And yeah, we stumbled on a very interesting model, the Contemplative Landscape Model, that is research-based, which is really what it’s about for this group of clients. They need this kind of restoration.

We have just tested the CLM in the field to see if we can use this kind of method to evaluate the places. And yeah, definitely we can. So, now the next step is to put it into a more concrete way of how we would do it in the procurement.

Annetta: Tell me about your first time trying the Contemplative Landscape Model out in the field.

Anna María Pálsdóttir: It was fun! What I learnt was that there were qualities in the landscapes [of our providers] that were there but I was not paying attention to them. And we were really focused on the [providers] closest to nature or the environment. And in this model, we also realized how important this outer space or outer zones were.

Anna María Pálsdóttir: It was fun! What I learnt was that there were qualities in the landscapes [of our providers] that were there but I was not paying attention to them. And we were really focused on the [providers] closest to nature or the environment.

CLM scoring during a field trip of the NBR program, July 2024.

And in this model, we also realized how important this outer space or outer zones were. That would be very hard to place these kind of providers in the urban setting because you would not have those qualities there. I suspected that we were in the right spot out here in the countryside. But now we have the proof.

Now we’re studying forests as a healing environment and we want to investigate if we can apply the CLM method in that context? Does it have to be modified in any way? The base is there and there are a lot of things we can already take. It will be very interesting to apply it to a forest landscape. Where do we find the restorative potentials? We have a lot of data from clients in different parts of Sweden where they talk about which qualities are important in forest bathing and forest therapy.

We will start a larger study and then we will pull out those details and see, can we actually confirm them by this framework? Yes we can. We’re very excited to see the CLM coming to Sweden. The reason for it coming to Sweden and being propagated here is because of [NeuroLandscape and especially its founder and director, Agnieszka Guizzo. So, you know, we’re very, very grateful for you being such a force behind the method.

Annetta: Why do you think Sweden is such a powerhouse in adopting the CLM into its national healthcare protocol? Besides you being the superwoman pushing nature-based solutions forward? Sweden is the first European country to kind of adopt the CLM into its public healthcare system. Singapore is the first country in the world.

Anna María Pálsdóttir: I think it’s because we have people around us that are interested in development and so have a better-quality output in the service they provide. And they want to offer the service with other alternatives, not just one. So this is one nature-based out of many.

I think if you look at Sweden as a whole, the county of Skåne is the first to implement this in 10 years and three procurements and hopefully the fourth. And that’s just showing that maybe in this region, there is a force of people that are interested in service development, innovation. They are front runners and forward thinkers. I wouldn’t be able to do any of this if it weren’t for colleagues and collaborators within the healthcare system. I couldn’t.

So you could say this is co-creation. It’s a buzzword but this is real co-creation where we come in with all our knowledge. One thing I feel also in this collaboration is this respect for each other’s competence. And I think that’s also one of the primary factors why we’re moving forward. And it’s not enough [for the program] to be implemented. We want to do more. And we do it as a team.

The team from the healthcare authority have come out to meet the providers. They really show an interest. That’s really important for the providers because then they realize this is serious business. It’s not just open up the garden or the forest or whatever — it’s really serious business. And that makes them also more serious in their work to provide a high quality service.

Annetta: So, what is your main goal then? What would you like to see being achieved in the Swedish population or within your community? What would make you sit back on your couch and think, yes, we did it.

Anna María Pálsdóttir: I don’t think I could sit on the couch. I think I would always be like, what’s next? Maybe I would take rest in the garden or the forest…I would say success is feeling accomplishment. I feel we have accomplished a lot, but I think there is this mentality of wanting to do better tomorrow than we did today and do it in a manner that is also evidence-based. Also, the courage of saying, “Let’s explore what is not really known.” That’s actually the way forward, not just to stay there. There’s always something you can do better.

I would like to see this kind of program implemented for the entire society. That we have more than nature and greenery in our everyday life. I would like to see this in the kindergartens, schools, elderly homes, hospitals. We should be bringing more nature into our everyday life.

Perhaps there will be less need of rehabilitation because we would have this more health-promoting environment in everyday life. Also, I would like to see those who work in health care and are treating people have the possibility to take the clients outdoors. This should also be implemented in the architecture because quite often when you’re designing, you design the building and there’s a lot of focus on the indoor. And then there’s the outdoors and it’s on its own. [The two] should be merged so you would see [the indoors and outdoors] as one, as one whole. When you design, for example, a hospital, you’re thinking in both ways. That there’s an outer room and an inter room. And as a professional, you should be offering both. I would like to see that happening as a general rule.

Annetta: We’ve come to the end of our interview. Are there any last thoughts that you’d like to share?

Anna María Pálsdóttir: Well, I would say I’m really happy that [the NeuroLandscape team] came. I’m really happy that you shared your knowledge and experience. I think this has really pushed forward our work and arguments showing how our way of evaluating the outer environment can be improved. And this can be used in so many other aspects, not just for the procurement.

But I would like to see this as well introduced to our students because then they can take it out when they graduate and start to work in different places in the society. They can have this with them because I think this is the way forward of understanding the science behind the framework.

We need to be able to open up and share and respect each other’s role, leveling up and k finding ways of collaborating, growing and developing. So we get together and then we make something out of it. Like a flower.

Annetta: We are very grateful for the invitation and we’ve had a lovely time. Thank you.

Team NeuroLandscape with Dr. Anna María Pálsdóttir and Francesca Taufer (SLU) at the end of the field visit of the NBR program.








Building Back Differently: The Role of CLM in Public Health Promotion through Nature-based Solutions

“The future of humanity is undoubtedly urban,” warns the UN-Habitat in their World Cities Report (2022), urging public health policies to address the growing health risks associated with urban expansion. Urban environments — characterized by traffic, pollution, noise, and overcrowding — not only create fertile ground for physical health issues but also place a significant burden on the mental health of their citizens (Olszewska-Guizzo et al., 2023). Neuropsychiatric diseases now account for 19.5% of all disability-adjusted life years  (DALYs), while depression is responsible for 6.2% of DALYs (World Health Organization, n.d.). These mental health challenges deteriorate citizens’ quality of life and generate serious economic losses for the state.

Figure 1: Population living in urbanized areas in 1990, 2014, and 2050 by continent and worldwide, UN, 2018 ( unpd/wup)

Governments are increasingly recognizing the urgent need for interdisciplinary, evidence-based solutions to address this mental health crisis (Gruebner et al., 2017). A growing body of research highlights the restorative effects that contact with nature has on human health (Olszewska-Guizzo, Sia, & Escoffier, 2023). These effects include reducing stress and fatigue, triggering positive emotions, and improving cognitive functions such as concentration, memory, and creative performance (WHO, 2021).

Nature-based Solutions (NBS) are emerging as effective and cost-efficient strategies for addressing the growing mental health challenges in urban environments. The IUCN defines NBSs as actions to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural or human-modified ecosystems, offering benefits for both environmental preservation and human well-being. Adopting NBSs to confront human health challenges arising from unhealthy environments aligns with the One Health approach (WHO) — which recognizes the interdependence of animal, ecosystem, and human health — and the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. NBSs have been well-documented to support people’s emotional, mental, and physical health by adopting a holistic approach to prevention, promotion, rehabilitation, and therapy.

Figure 2: "Envisaging the Future of Cities," World Cities Report 2022 (

Not Just Green

Often there is limited space available in cities for green areas, so it is important to optimize the design and use of the available green spaces (Olszewska-Guizzo, Sia, Fogel, et al., 2022). Urban planners, landscape architects, and conservation experts need to understand which types and characteristics of urban green spaces (UGS) most effectively benefit citizens’ mental health. This challenge inspired the development of the Contemplative Landscape Model (CLM) in 2016. The CLM measures how different landscape scenes can positively influence mental health through passive exposure. It focuses on landscape components that, when combined, trigger low-frequency brain activity associated with decreased cognitive strain, increased relaxation, and positive affect, as well as positive effects on mood and anxiety disorders(Olszewska-Guizzo, Sia, Escoffier, 2023).

The CLM evaluates landscape scenes based on seven key-components, each of which is rated using a 1–6-point scale. The final CLM score, the average of the seven key-components, provides a comprehensive assessment of a landscape's potential to offer beneficial mental health outcomes. The CLM is increasingly being used by practitioners to bridge the gap between landscape design and evidence-based impacts on mental health. It is also helping policy-makers make informed decisions on how to effectively curate UGSs to improve the mental health of their communities.

Figure 3: Seven key-components of Contemplative Landscape Model (CLM).

The main advantages of using the CLM include:

  • Accessibility and Ease of Use: The tool can be easily learned following formal training and applied by urban design practitioners, landscape architects, and those with a keen eye for landscapes.
  • Accuracy: The final CLM score is an average from the seven key landscape components in a single view or at multiple sites across the area, which helps to eliminate human error.
  • Cost-effectiveness: The CLM requires minimal equipment. Evaluations can be conducted in a single site visit using tablets or just pen and paper.
  • Efficiency: CLM also works with digital representations of landscapes (photos or videos) to save time, making it ideal for practitioners needing to assess multiple sites.
  • Versatility: The CLM can be applied to a wide range of sites, including urban, suburban and rural spaces, making it a useful tool for diverse environments, and scales.
  • Dual-purpose: The CLM can be used as an evaluation/ audit tool for green spaces, but also as a set of design guidelines to develop new creative mentally-healthy environments.
Figure 4: CLM evaluations can be conducted using tablets.

Global Examples: Singapore

The CLM has received increasing attention among professionals and researchers worldwide and is slowly finding its place in nature-based health promotion policies. The first country to adopt the CLM in its urban greening initiatives was Singapore. The National Parks Board (NParks) recognized the value of the evidence-based approach early, as part of their City in Nature initiative, which aims to ensure that the available green spaces are designed optimally to maximize the well-being of citizens across a diverse demographic, from the elderly and hospital patients to children with special needs.

The research conducted in Singapore, in collaboration with NParks and the National University of Singapore, found that therapeutic gardens with contemplative features contribute positively to a person's mental health and overall well-being. They also concluded that there were positive neuro-psychophysiological benefits from passive exposure to a therapeutic garden for the mental health of individuals with clinically concerning depressive disorders (Olszewska-Guizzo et al., 2022; Olszewska-Guizzo, Sia, Fogel, Escoffier, & Dan, 2022).

Figure 5: Neuroscience research studies conducted in Singapore between 2018 and 2021


Singapore established the network of 13 therapeutic gardens scattered across the city-state, with plans for an additional 7 to be completed by 2030. Each garden is designed according to the contemplative landscape guidelines to encourage visitors to enjoy everyday contact with the salutogenic nature of the premises.

NParks’ efforts go beyond transforming parks and are slowly moving into the wider urban environment.  There is a growing number of public officers and professionals trained in use of CLM for landscape assessment and design (an example of a recent workshop). Their continued research into Nature-based Solutions integrating CLM aligns with Singapore’s healthcare transformation plan, Healthier SG, to promote preventive health strategies for the whole population. Singapore’s efforts are setting a powerful and inspiring example of how states can benefit from embracing Nature-based Solutions to create healthier communities while prioritizing evidence-based design of their available green spaces.

Global Examples: Sweden

Sweden is the second country to incorporate the Contemplative Landscape Model (CLM) into its national health policy as part of its Nature-based Rehabilitation (NBR) program.  Alos known as the Skåne-model, or Naturunderstödd Rehabilitering (NUR), it launched in 2013, and is the first of its kind in the Nordic region. NUR is currently active in the southern region of Skåne County, with plans to expand throughout the rest of the country.

The program is founded on extensive research from the Alnarp Rehabilitation Garden, run by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) (Grahn & Pálsdóttir, 2021). It emphasizes the role of nature in aiding patients to recover from stress-related mental illnesses, specifically exhaustion syndrome, mild to moderate depression, and anxiety (Grahn, Pálsdóttir, Ottosson, & Jonsdottir, 2017). The program takes eight weeks and is run at selected rural properties across Skåne Region (Wissler & Pálsdóttir, 2024).

Figure 6. One of the NBR providers' rural property.

The NBR program supports the rural development goals by employing trained coordinators to deliver the nature-based interventions and services of the program on their premises. These interventions are designed with the following core objectives in mind:

1) Rehabilitation Focus: Aims to support the standard of care to improve physical, mental, and social health through nature-supported activities.

2) Nature-Infused “Awake Rest:” Focuses on relaxation and recovery in a peaceful, undemanding natural environment that promotes mental rejuvenation.

3) Integration of Meaningful Activities: Encourages daily tasks in natural settings, offering participants purposeful engagements that align with the day-to-day operations of the NBR provider.

NBR requires from providers to maintain the quality standards set by the program. These include both the day activities to be offered to the patients and the quality and design of the property's natural environment. The CLM has been introduced to the program as a tool of evaluation for the property's landscape and to provide a systematic approach to develop quality standards comparable between the properties.

Figure 7: CLM on-site evaluations of NBR providers.

In the summer of 2024, six of the eight current NBR providers’ properties in the Skåne region were evaluated by independent experts using the Contemplative Landscape Model (CLM). This was the first time the CLM was conducted on rural properties. Previously, the CLM was used almost exclusively on urban environments. For this evaluation, an average of 12 to 23 landscape views per rural property was scored based on site maps, and the average score was computed for each location. This evaluation was carried out in preparation for the fourth procurement phase of the NUR program. The satisfactory performance of the CLM in this new context demonstrates its versatility and reliability, further supporting Sweden's ongoing commitment to integrating Nature-Based Solutions into public health policy. Sweden is the first country in Europe to adopt the Contemplative Landscape Model (CLM) as part of its national health policy.  The adoption reflects their commitment to innovative approaches, including evidence-based initiatives such as the Alnarp Rehabilitation Garden and therapeutic gardens for dementia patients(Pálsdóttir, Wissler, & Thorpert, 2024; Pálsdóttir, O'Brien, Poulsen, & Dolling, 2021), and highlights the country's leadership in promoting preventive health strategies through nature. Sweden's efforts are setting a model example for other European nations to follow in creating healthier, more resilient communities.

Final Thoughts

The path to sustainable (positive) urban futures requires “collaborative, well-coordinated and effective multilateral interventions” by cities and sub-national governments. The health and well-being of citizens are classified as a top priority by the WHO to build resilient cities.  Cities must understand that it is no longer enough to “[build] back better” to meet the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development the New Urban Agenda. It is time to “[build] back differently.

Improving citizens’ access to mental health programs and developing holistic strategies to address mental illness remains a key concern worldwide. Without transformative action, mental health problems will “contribute to human suffering, premature mortality, and social breakdown, and will slow down economic recovery.” Improving the mental health of communities is essential not only for enhancing the quality of life of individuals but also for the continued economic and social development of states.

Recognizing the health-promoting value of landscapes, by integration of the Contemplative Landscape Model (CLM) by countries like Singapore and Sweden highlights its potential as a vital tool in integrating Nature-Based Solutions into national public health policies. It is, therefore, crucial to continue educating governments and decision-makers across the globe on the impact of evidence-based landscape design on public health. Through continued collaboration, research, and innovation, the CLM can become a foundational tool for preventive health strategies, helping to promote healthier, happier, and more resilient communities across the globe.

Reference List

Grahn, P., & Pálsdóttir, A.-M. (2021). Does more time in a therapeutic garden lead to a faster return to work? A prospective cohort study of nature-based therapy, exploring the relationship between dose and response in the rehabilitation of long-term patients suffering from stress-related mental illness. International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 9, 1000614.

Grahn, P., Pálsdóttir, A.-M., Ottosson, J., & Jonsdottir, I. (2017). Longer nature-based rehabilitation may contribute to a faster return to work in patients with reactions to severe stress and/or depression. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(11), 1310.

International Union for Conservation of Nature. (n.d.). Nature-based solutions.

National Parks Board. (n.d.). City in nature.

Olszewska-Guizzo, A., Fogel, A., Escoffier, N., Sia, A., Nakazawa, K., Kumagai, A., Dan, I., & Ho, R. (2022). Therapeutic garden with contemplative features induces desirable changes in mood and brain activity in depressed adults. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13.

Olszewska-Guizzo, A., Russo, A., Roberts, A. C., Kühn, S., Marques, B., Tawil, N., & Ho, R. C. (2023). Editorial: Cities and mental health. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, 1263305.

Olszewska-Guizzo, A., Sia, A., Fogel, A., Escoffier, N., & Dan, I. (2022). Features of urban green spaces associated with positive emotions, mindfulness, and relaxation. Scientific Reports, 12, 20695.

Olszewska-Guizzo, A., Sia, A., & Escoffier, N. (2023). Revised contemplative landscape model (CLM): A reliable and valid evaluation tool for mental health-promoting urban green spaces. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 86, 128016.

Pálsdóttir, A.-M., O'Brien, L., Poulsen, D., & Dolling, A. (2021). Exploring migrants’ sense of belonging through participation in an urban agricultural vocational training program in Sweden. Journal of Therapeutic Horticulture, 31(1), 11.

Pálsdóttir, A. M., Wissler, S. K., & Thorpert, P. (2024). An innovative approach in research and development of clinical nature-based rehabilitation in health care and vocational training: The living laboratory, Alnarp rehabilitation garden. Landscape Architecture, 31(5), 116-123.

Region Skåne. (n.d.). Naturunderstödd rehabilitering.

UN-Habitat. (2022). World cities report 2022: Envisaging the future of cities. United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat).

United Nations. (n.d.). The 2030 agenda for sustainable development.

Wissler, S. K., & Pálsdóttir, A. M. (2024). A quality assurance framework for outdoor environments, facilities, and program standards in nature-based rehabilitation. Landscape Architecture, 31(5), 91-102.

World Health Organization. (2021). Mental health promotion and mental disorders prevention: Framework for a comprehensive mental health strategy in Europe. WHO Regional Office for Europe.

World Health Organization. (n.d.). Global health estimates: Leading causes of DALYs.

World Health Organization. (n.d.). One Health.

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NeuroLandscape a part of GreenME – the Horizon EU Funded Project!

NeuroLandscape is delighted to announce its participation in the consortium selected for the prestigious Horizon Europe GreenME project  with a budget of nearly 6M euro.

This collaboration presents an exciting opportunity to advance our mission of integrating nature-based solutions into urban environments for enhanced well-being and sustainable living. Led by Universita Autonoma de Barcelona, the GreenME consortium aims to revolutionize greencare and urban planning practices across Europe. NeuroLandscape's involvement in this groundbreaking initiative will commence on September 1st, 2023, as we eagerly anticipate the positive impact we can collectively make on the health and well-being of urban dwellers.


GreenME stands for "Advancing GReenCare in Europe: an integrated multi-scalar approach for the Expansion of Nature-based therapies to improve Mental health Equity" 

This project is an ambitious endeavor that seeks to advance greencare practices across Europe through an integrated, multi-scalar approach. It has received significant recognition and funding through the prestigious Horizon Europe program. This collaborative project brings together leading researchers, policymakers, and practitioners in the field of nature-based solutions to address pressing urban challenges and create healthier, more sustainable cities.

NeuroLandscape's Involvement in the Consortium

NeuroLandscape's inclusion in the GreenME consortium is a testament to our expertise and commitment to promoting the benefits of nature in urban environments. As a key partner in the consortium, NeuroLandscape will contribute valuable insights and practical experience gained from our extensive research in the quality of urban greening and mental health promotion through the nature connection. Our participation aims to leverage wide international network of contacts, insights from evidence-based design, environmental psychology, and the impact of nature on human health and well-being to support the project's success.

Through collaboration with partners across Europe, NeuroLandscape will actively contribute to the development of innovative approaches and solutions that integrate nature into urban settings. Our goal is to foster positive impacts on mental health, physical well-being, and social cohesion through evidence-based design and strategic implementation of nature-based interventions.

The GreenME Project's Objectives

The GreenME project encompasses a broad range of objectives, each focusing on different aspects of greencare implementation at various scales. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge exchange, the project aims to:

  1. Investigate the benefits of nature-based interventions on human health and well-being.
  2. Develop evidence-based design guidelines for creating nature-rich urban environments.
  3. Enhance the role of urban green spaces in mitigating climate change and promoting sustainability.
  4. Establish a European-wide network to facilitate the exchange of best practices and expertise.
  5. Provide policymakers with comprehensive recommendations for integrating greencare strategies into urban planning frameworks.

Expected Outcomes and Impact

Through the GreenME project, NeuroLandscape and its consortium partners strive to achieve transformative outcomes that will positively impact cities and their inhabitants across Europe. By implementing nature-based solutions and greencare strategies, we envision:

  1. Improved mental and physical health outcomes for urban dwellers.
  2. Enhanced ecological resilience and biodiversity in urban environments.
  3. Increased social cohesion and community engagement through nature-based interventions.
  4. Strengthened policy frameworks that prioritize the integration of nature in urban planning for mental health and well-being.
  5. Sustainable urban development that prioritizes the well-being of both people and the planet.

NeuroLandscape's participation in the GreenME project represents an exciting opportunity to contribute to the advancement of greencare practices in Europe. By four years long collaboration with leading experts, policymakers, and practitioners, we aim to integrate evidence-based research and practical knowledge to create nature-rich urban environments that promote well-being and sustainability.

With the project set to begin on September 1st, 2023, we are poised to embark on this transformative journey. We are confident that the GreenME project will have a profound and lasting impact on the way we approach urban planning and the integration of nature in day-to-day urban living.


EDRA52 Conference Presentation | Just Environments


Speech presented at the 25th Environmental Design Research Association 25th Conference in the panel "Green Resilience and Behaviour" by Nazwa Tahsin.

Part of the Research Program "Nature Connection and Mental Health of Communities".

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Simply Green is Simply not Enough – a Prelude to Mentally Healthy Cities

The fast-paced urbanization and disconnection of people from nature and the current series of lockdowns, contribute to an increasing burden of mental health disease in cities. Researchers have estimated that it is 39% more likely to develop depression when living in urbanized areas as compared to rural regions [source]. Other mental illnesses and neurodegenerative disorders such as anxiety, substance abuse, and dementia are also taking a large toll on the lives of urban dwellers.

The environmental determinants of this phenomenon are most obviously the noise, pollution, and abundance of distracting elements in the space, which keep attention at the mode of alertness. In addition to these factors, there are certain visual constraints and limited contact with nature, which contribute a substantial psychological burden to those living in urbanized spaces.

There are a lot of unanswered questions about the specific mechanisms of why this happens and, more importantly, how to design our cities to not only prevent mental illness but also improve our wellbeing. Several research teams around the world, including our scientists and landscape architects at NeuroLandscape, have been investigating the influence of exposure to different living environments on brain activity.

From multiple neuroscience experiments and cross-sectional analyses, it seems that the quantity of green cover in the city is not enough to trigger a beneficial mental health response. The proximity and accessibility of green spaces in relation to residency is a very important start point to mitigate the mental health decline but does not consistently determine better mental health outcomes. Like in many other aspects of life quality outperforms quantity.

In the era of the color green, urban planners, landscape architects and city managers, lend me your ears! —Do not green cities mindlessly.

There are certain types and components of urban green spaces which can reduce stress levels, restore our attention, regulate emotions, bring back positive motivation, and improve cognitive functioning by just passively experiencing them [our library on that topic]. They include open and panoramic landscape compositions, which allow far-away views into the landscape, but also enclosed pocket gardens inviting for calm relaxation and solitary contemplation. The visibility of natural asymmetry, undulating landforms and a diversified skyline also count towards that restorative effect. Among many other salutogenic landscape design strategies, seasonally changing, lush vegetation, and the presence of strong symbolic features, such as water, play an important role too.

In the endeavor to create liveable cities we have been through several stages, starting with the consideration of functionality and logistics, which was followed by improvements to sanitation, safety, equity, greening and sustainability, and finally led up to a focus on the mental health. The research to support this latest stage is ongoing. However, it is becoming clear that mentally healthy cities rely on the quality rather than quantity of green and natural elements.

With that in mind, nature is not to be visited (like visiting a gallery or animal park) but rather, a backdrop to our daily events and activities. For this vision to be feasible and effective, evidence-based landscape design is indispensable.

BBC Worls Service, My perfect City

NeuroLandscape featured in BBC “My Perfect City”

NeuroLandscape featured in BBC "My Perfect City" Series episode which was released on: 30 Dec 2020

New episode of the BBC World Service "My perfect city" features Dr Agnieszka Olszewska-Guizzo among other experts.  They discuss Singapore as a city which attempts to improve residents' mental wellbeing through urban design.

Generally, people in cities are likely to experience mental health problems.  This counts for about 38% more than people living outside of big cities. Urban greening and creating therapeutic gardens with contemplative features can really help. But also, promoting high amenity public spaces,  physical exercise, housing security and social services are important too! These solutions can make a city more liveable but also reduce rates of disorders such as OCD, anxiety and depression.

But are these community-based, non-medical approaches enough to improve mental health among the population of the highly urbanized Singapore? Let's find out!


Listen to the end to find out if Singapore receives 3 ticks -  a perfect city mark.  This means that Singapore should be an example to follow by other cities!

Taking part in the podcast like this one was a great experience. Thanks to endeavours like this one we can share the knowledge from the scientists and inform the public!

Here are some other blog posts related to Singapore:

  1. Singapore Urban Sustainability MND Congress.
  2. IFLA Conference, Singapore
  3. Neuroscience data collection outdoors
  4. NeuroLandscape featured in BBC "My Perfect City"
Conscious Cities Festival

Healthy Cities – Cities for Humans, Conscious Warsaw 2020 (VIDEO)

A speech presented during the "Conscious Warsaw - Sensing our City" webinar organized by the Center for Conscious Design, which took place on October 22, 2020, in Polish (English subtitles available in this video!).

Dr. Agnieszka Olszewska-Guizzo presented a new concept of designing mentally healthy cities based on contact with salutogenic natural landscapes (Contemplative Landscapes) and introduced the scientific background and activities of her NGO.

The entire webinar is available on

Centre for Conscious Design:


Affordable Technologies for Evidence Based Studies and Mind Monitoring

The built environment and mental health of the residents within the city are extremely interconnected. Daily exposures are known to influence psychological processes, having both known and unknown consequences. The study of Gary W. Evans from 2003 points out that personal control, social support and restoration from stress and fatigue in the physical environment directly impacts mental health. He also points out the need for evidence-based studies and methods. “Mind Monitoring” is a method to consider in such studies, as this makes bringing out evidence easier. 

Unfortunately, our knowledge of the relation between mind and physical environment, especially in developing countries, is very little. Technology to conduct cross-sectional scientific studies is one of the biggest impedances. 

A lot of devices are making our day to day lives easier, productive and entertaining in innumerous ways. But these are the tools that have the potential to be used in mind monitoring. They make research on environmental impacts on minds more affordable. 

EEG a Mind Monitoring method

EEG stands for electroencephalogram. It is a test to find out and monitor the electrical activity of the brain using various noninvasive electrodes placed across the scalp. EEG electrodes pick up the electrical activity in the user’s brain. And then the collected signals are amplified and digitized and sent to a computer or mobile device for storage and data processing. Recently, these tests have been made affordable with new designs and exploring ways to use smartphones.

Some recent EEG devices

  • NeuroSky launched quite a number of second-generation products, such as MindWave, MindWave Mobile, MindWave Mobile Plus and MindWave Mobile 2. Mindwave Mobile 2 is the most affordable brainwave reading EEG headset. These devices are used in games, education, wellness, research and development.
  • Emotiv products achieved better performance and wider scalp coverage by using a higher number of channels and wet electrodes. This caused Emotiv products to have a more complicated set-up and higher price tag. Some Emotiv products are Insight, EPOC X, MN8 etc. They can provide easy-to-understand feedback on the level of stress and distraction to improve workplace wellness, safety and productivity.
  • Muse is a meditation facilitating device that comes along with a mobile application. Muse 2, Muse S are available having a lot of features. Provides real-time feedback on user’s brain activity, heart rate, breathing and body movements
  • Some other devices, such as: MyndPlay MyndBand, Aurora Dreamband, FocusBand, Neeuro SenzeBand work with various mind monitoring activities. For example: empowering users to train their brains to improve attention, meditation skills, for better sleep, dream clarity etc.

Price comparison

Company Product Release Year Price (USD)
NeuroSky MindWave Mobile 2  2018 199.00
Emotiv INSIGHT 2015 299.00
EPOC X 2020 849.00
MN8 Still in production 
interaXon Muse 2014 199.00
Muse 2 2016 249.00
Muse S 2019 349.00
OpenBCI OpenBCI 2014 349.00 (Ultracortex Mark IV)

399.00 (Electrode Cap)

MyndPlay  Myndband 2014 299.00
Aurora DreamBand 2015 299.00
FocusBand FocusBand 2016 600.00
Neeuro SenzeBand 2016 299.00

The researchers and practitioners of developing countries like Bangladesh or Colombia are not much aware of these EEG solutions. Most of the time the price range would still be unaffordable. But the products provided by NeuroSky,  interaXon and MyndPlay are comparatively less costly and can be affordable for the research and mental health practitioners in Bangladesh.

Summing up, affordable technologies for mind monitoring are now rising.  And a displayable number of multidisciplinary collaborative research and experiments in this sector will increase their potential to a great extent!

Authors: Muntaka Ibnath, Nazwa Tahsin

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Landscape & Brain – neuroscience data collection outdoors (VIDEO)

Brain scans outdoors: how to collect reliable EEG and FNIRS data in-situ?

Rigorous neuroscience research would question collecting the neuroscience data outdoors, due to too many confounding factors occurring and researchers not being able to control them all. In the sensory exposure research, each participant has to be exposed to the same set of stimuli, which is very difficult if not impossible in an outdoor setting.  For example, small environmental nuances such as certain type of cloud covering the sun would change the amount of light reaching the eye of the participant , which can dramatically change the alpha power produced by the brain.

For this sake we should collect the exposure data in a controlled-lab environment, controlling for each factor such as brightness, temperature, etc. Also, we should use the same set of stimuli, that can be recorded in a form of photo, video or more immersive - VR.

However, environmental researchers, landscape architects and ecologists will all agree that the exposure to nature in the lab has nothing to do with the one outdoors in a real setting. Lab-based experiment lacks the so-called "ecological validity" - meaning it cannot be fully compared with the real experience. As it is essential to advance the knowledge in the area of real exposure to nature as opposed to natural images, we took a challenge to collect a reliable data outdoors, while controlling for most important environmental factors (temperature, humidity, brightness and noise), and making sure for each participant the experience is as similar as possible.

We recorded the video of in-situ data collection from the "Effects of Landscapes on the Brain" project in Singapore, where we show how the EEG and fNIRS data can be collected outside. We have published the preliminary findings from that research in a journal.

Let us know if you have comments or questions about that procedure, also share and support pushing this discipline forward!