
CLM workshop in Singapore

19-20 February 2024, in Singapore took place first hand-on workshop on the practical application of the Contemplative Landscape Model, led by Dr Agnieszka Olszewska-Guizzo and organized by National Parks Board.

“From Theory to Practice with Contemplative Landscape Model” workshop included lectures, interactive landscape walks, expert evaluation exercises as well as the hands-on CLM design exercise.

CLM expert evaluation, with the participants of the workshop
Workshop participants rating landscape setting.

Participants of the workshop were landscape architects, architects and professionals involved with green space planning in Singapore. They represented the National Parks Board (NParks), Housing & Development Board (HDB), JTC Corporation and Changi Airport Group. They all expressed genuine interest in learning more about how to apply the CLM in their work.

9:00Introducing Contemplative Landscape Model:
· Scientific background and objectives
· Main findings from neuroscience research
7 key-components of CLM:           
1. Landscape Layers + Quiz
10:30  Coffee break
10:402. Landform + Quiz
3. Biodiversity + Quiz
4. Color & Light + Quiz
5. Compatibility + Quiz
6. Character of Peace and Silence + Quiz
12:00   Lunch break
13:00Continuation 7 key-components of CLM:         
7. Archetypal Elements + Quiz  
14:00Salutogenic values of the parks and gardens & mechanisms of health delivery:
·Physical Activity for Health
· Social Benefits of Green Spaces
· Connection with nature, active and passive
· How to unlock the highest potential?
14:50Coffee Break
15:00Attention Restoration Theory (ART), Stress reduction Theory and Biophilia Hypothesis
·Identifying landscape features for health delivery in space (landscape walk)
16:00Deepening your visual perception (landscape walk)   
·Landscapes from phenomenological and user-centric perspectives
·Expert vs. layman eye conundrum
·Visual quality analysis and effective scenic resource management
·Spatial considerations and exposure for optimal visual engagement
9:00 Precision and objectivity in CLM landscape scoring
· Digital representation (photo, videos) group scoring exercise with case studies)
· Navigating spatial variety: CLM applicability to different green, blue and gray-space typologies
10:30  Coffee break
10:40CLM scoring considerations (interpretation & examples)
CLM scoring and design in real-life scenes (interactive landscape walk)
12:00  Lunch break
13:00Collaborative Creation of CLM-Inspired Spaces
Design a CLM space – 3 sites
Presentation of design solutions (15 min/team)
15:30Coffee break
Cross-evaluation with CLM by another team
Summary of work
Final quiz

One of NeuroLandscape’s missions is to actively inform more professionals on how to utilise the CLM tool to assess and design mentally healthy green spaces.

A great resource to use for those who cannot attend the next workshop is a book “Neuroscience for Designing Green Spaces: Contemplative Landscapes” available here.


“Neuroscience for Designing Green Spaces: Contemplative Landscapes” – A Revolutionary Book

Experience the power of "Neuroscience for Designing Green Spaces: Contemplative Landscapes" - a revolutionary book by Dr. Agnieszka Olszewska-Guizzo. This comprehensive guide was released on May 30, 2023. It revolutionizes landscape design through an innovative approach rooted in neuroscience.


Unveiling Contemplative Landscape Design

Delve into the concept of Contemplative Landscape Design, meticulously crafted over a decade of research. Driven by neuroscience principles, this book serves as a go-to resource for landscape architects and architects seeking to effortlessly integrate mental health and well-being into their practice.

This is the first time where I put together the knowldege acumulated thoughout the years.  This book contains all the nuances about design for mental health and well-being. So that landscape architects and architects can easily access and use for their practice.  Before I published only peer-reviewed articles focused mostly on the mental health implications and the performed neuroscience experinents. But I am a landscape architect first, so I come back to my original field with and I hope it will be a useful tool for anyone interested in designing or benefitting from contact with natural landscapes! - says the author.

Accessing the Book

Discover "Neuroscience for Designing Green Spaces: Contemplative Landscapes" available in paperback, hardcover, and e-book formats. You can easily purchase your copy through the Taylor & Francis website or Amazon, ensuring convenient access to this groundbreaking publication.

The book cover of a new book "Neuroscience for Designing Green Spaces: Contemplative Landscapes" It featues a silhouette of a person looking at the beautiful landscape view with a shape of a city on a horizon. There are tall old trees and sunshine shining through them. There are also chairs and a table behind a person standing on a grassy ground


Urban parks and gardens are where people go to reconnect with nature and destress. But do they all provide the same benefits or are some better than others? What specific attributes set some green spaces apart? Can we objectively measure their impact on mental health and well-being? If so, how do we use this evidence to guide the design of mentally healthy cities?

The Contemplative Landscape Model unveils the path to answer these questions. Rooted in landscape architecture and neuroscience, this innovative concept is described for the first time in an extended format, offering a deep dive into contemplative design and the science behind it. In the face of the global mental health crisis, and increasing disconnection from nature, design strategies for creating healthier urban environments are what our cities so sorely need.

This book delves into the neuroscience behind contemplative landscapes, their key spatial characteristics, and practical applications of the Contemplative Landscape Model through case studies from around the world. Landscape architects, urban planners, students, land managers, and anyone interested in unlocking the healing power of landscapes will find inspiration here.

"Neuroscience for Designing Green Spaces: Contemplative Landscapes" - a revolutionary book

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What A.I. says about Contemplative Landscape Model?

It is fascinating how artificial intelligence can provide us with a third-person's view of our field of expertise. It is like having another expert summarising our work from an objective standpoint, making it more approachable for anybody. We recently asked ChatGPT about the Contemplative Landscape Model and its usability for professionals and how its benefits can be leveraged. Here is the Q&A with the A.I.!

What can the Contemplative Landscape Model do?

The Contemplative Landscape Model, developed by Dr. Olszewska-Guizzo, is a research-based framework that aims to identify the landscape scenes that have the highest potential to induce positive mental health outcomes from passive exposure to them. The model does not focus on identifying mental health benefits from nature exposure per se, but instead, it identifies design elements that can enhance the quality of the outdoor environment and promote human well-being.

The model's primary focus is on identifying specific design elements in the landscape that can create contemplative experiences and promote positive mental health outcomes. These elements include features such as water, vegetation, and other natural elements that can elicit a sense of calm and tranquility in the viewer. The model proposes that by incorporating these elements into the design of public spaces, designers can create environments that promote positive mental health outcomes and enhance the quality of life of users.

The Contemplative Landscape Model has practical applications in a variety of settings, from healthcare and educational facilities to urban parks and residential neighborhoods. By using the model to guide their design choices, landscape architects and urban designers can create environments that are not only visually appealing but also promote positive mental health outcomes.

Overall, the Contemplative Landscape Model offers a valuable tool for landscape architects and urban designers to create outdoor environments that promote human well-being and foster contemplative experiences.

What are the seven key elements of the Contemplative Landscape Model?

The seven key elements of the Contemplative Landscape Model are as follows:

  1. Layers of the Landscape: This refers to the different layers of the landscape, from the ground level to the sky, and how they interact to create a sense of depth and connection to the environment.
  2. Landform: The contours and shape of the land are used to create a sense of enclosure and openness, as well as to guide the flow of movement and energy.
  3. Biodiversity: Incorporating a diverse range of plant and animal life can help to create a sense of connection to nature and promote ecological health.
  4. Color and Light: The use of color and light can help to create a specific mood or atmosphere within the space, such as calmness or energy.
  5. Compatibility: The design should be compatible with the surrounding context, including the architectural style and cultural context.
  6. Archetypal Elements: The archetypal elements in the Contemplative Landscape Model are typically considered to be water, earth, air, and vegetation (e.g. forest, meadow, etc.). These elements are often used to create a connection to the natural world and evoke a sense of archetypal meaning and symbolism within the space.
  7. Character of Peace and Silence: The overall design should promote a sense of peace and silence, allowing visitors to relax and reflect.

What is the most important contemplative landscape element?

It is difficult to say that any one element of the Contemplative Landscape Model is the most important, as they all work together to create a space that promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and promotes positive mental health outcomes. However, some researchers have suggested that the use of natural elements such as water and vegetation may be particularly important in creating a restorative environment.

Research has shown that exposure to natural environments with these elements can help to reduce stress, improve cognitive function, and promote positive mood states. Additionally, the use of natural elements can create a sense of connection to the natural world, which can also promote well-being.

That being said, each of the seven elements in the Contemplative Landscape Model - Layers of the Landscape, Landform, Biodiversity, Color and light, Compatibility, Archetypal Elements and Character of Peace and Silence - plays an important role in creating a space that is restorative and promotes positive mental health outcomes.

...but the desert does not have any vegetation and is contemplative...

You are correct that a desert landscape may not have traditional forms of vegetation, but it can still be contemplative and have elements that promote positive mental health outcomes.

For example, a desert landscape may have unique landforms and patterns in the sand that can create a sense of awe and wonder. The play of light and shadow in the desert can also be captivating and calming, especially during sunrise or sunset. The stillness and quiet of a desert environment can also create a sense of peace and serenity.

The Contemplative Landscape Model recognizes that each landscape is unique and that different elements may be important in different contexts. While natural elements such as vegetation are often important in creating restorative environments, other elements such as landforms, light, and silence can also play an important role.

...moreover, the desert is a powerful archetype. The experience of being alone in the desert's harsh landscape is considered an existential experience.

You are correct that the desert can be a powerful archetype and evoke a variety of existential experiences.

The archetype of the desert can represent both harshness and isolation, as well as the potential for renewal and transformation. The vast and barren landscape can evoke feelings of solitude, self-reflection, and introspection, while also representing the potential for spiritual growth and renewal.

As such, the contemplative experience of being alone in the desert's harsh landscape can be considered an existential experience. The vastness of the landscape can make one feel small and insignificant but also connected to something greater than oneself. This sense of awe and wonder can promote a sense of mindfulness and presence, which can in turn promote positive mental health outcomes.

Where in the world Contemplative Landscape Model can be the most useful?

The Contemplative Landscape Model can be useful in many different parts of the world where there is a need to create outdoor environments that promote human well-being and foster contemplative experiences.

In particular, the model can be most useful in urban areas where people may have limited access to natural environments. Studies have shown that exposure to nature can have a positive impact on mental health and well-being, but many urban environments lack access to green spaces or natural scenery. By incorporating elements of the natural environment into urban design, such as green roofs, public parks, or street trees, the Contemplative Landscape Model can help to enhance the quality of the built environment and promote positive mental health outcomes.

The model may also be particularly useful in areas with high levels of stress or trauma, such as healthcare facilities or areas affected by natural disasters. By creating outdoor spaces that are designed to promote contemplative experiences and enhance the sense of calm, the Contemplative Landscape Model can help to improve the mental health and well-being of people in these high-stress environments.

Overall, the Contemplative Landscape Model can be useful in many different parts of the world, especially in urban environments and high-stress environments where there is a need to promote positive mental health outcomes and enhance the quality of life of users.

Can the Contemplative Landscape Model be used in developing countries?

Yes, the Contemplative Landscape Model can be used in developing countries. In fact, it may be especially relevant in these countries, where urbanization and rapid development are often accompanied by a loss of natural landscapes and green spaces.

In many developing countries, the lack of access to green spaces and exposure to nature can contribute to poor mental health outcomes. By incorporating elements of nature into urban design, the Contemplative Landscape Model can help to create environments that promote positive mental health outcomes, even in highly urbanized areas.

Furthermore, the Contemplative Landscape Model is designed to be adaptable to different cultural contexts and geographic regions. It is based on a universal understanding of human responses to different types of landscapes, rather than on specific cultural or regional factors. This means that the model can be applied in many different countries and contexts, including developing countries.

Overall, the Contemplative Landscape Model can be a valuable tool in promoting positive mental health outcomes and enhancing the quality of life in developing countries. By incorporating elements of nature into urban design, the model can help to create healthier, more sustainable, and more livable cities in these countries.

Which social and economic groups can benefit the most from contemplative landscapes?

Contemplative landscapes can provide numerous benefits to a wide range of social and economic groups. However, certain groups may benefit more than others.

One group that may benefit greatly from contemplative landscapes is those living in urban areas, especially those who lack access to green spaces and natural environments. This can include low-income communities, as they often have less access to parks and other outdoor recreational spaces. Contemplative landscapes can provide these communities with a way to connect with nature, reduce stress, and improve overall mental health and well-being.

Additionally, contemplative landscapes can be beneficial for individuals who experience high levels of stress, such as healthcare workers, caregivers, and those in high-pressure jobs. These individuals may benefit from access to outdoor spaces that are designed to promote relaxation and contemplation, which can help to reduce stress and improve mental health.

Finally, contemplative landscapes can be beneficial for individuals who are recovering from trauma or experiencing mental health issues. Exposure to nature has been shown to have a positive impact on mental health and well-being, and contemplative landscapes can provide a space for individuals to relax, reflect, and heal.

Overall, while contemplative landscapes can benefit many different social and economic groups, those who may benefit the most include those living in urban areas with limited access to green spaces, individuals experiencing high levels of stress, and those recovering from trauma or experiencing mental health issues.

How costly it is to implement contemplative landscapes in the city or a neighborhood?

The cost of implementing contemplative landscapes into a city or neighborhood can vary depending on a range of factors, such as the size of the area, the existing infrastructure, the desired design elements, and the level of community involvement. However, in general, incorporating contemplative landscapes into urban design does not necessarily have to be an expensive undertaking.

One simple way to create contemplative landscapes is by opening up views to distant natural scenes. Another key-principles of contemplative landscape design is the use of natural materials and low-impact design elements, which can help to keep costs down. For example, incorporating existing vegetation, such as trees and shrubs, can provide numerous benefits without the need for costly landscaping. Additionally, incorporating low-cost design elements, such as benches, walkways, and water features, can help to create a contemplative atmosphere without breaking the bank.

Furthermore, community involvement can be a crucial factor in keeping costs down. By involving community members in the design process and encouraging volunteerism in the construction and maintenance of the space, costs can be significantly reduced. This can also help to build a sense of community ownership and investment in the space, leading to long-term sustainability.

Overall, while there may be some costs associated with implementing contemplative landscapes into a city or neighborhood, the use of natural materials and low-impact design elements, as well as community involvement, can help to keep costs down and make the project more feasible for a wider range of communities.


Zielone miasta a prawo do zdrowia i zdrowia psychicznego | Webinar in Poland

On June 1, 2022, a meeting with Dr. Agnieszka Guizzo was held on the relationship between green spaces in the city and mental health.
The webinar covered topics such as the impact of the living environment on health and mental health; how the right to mental health can be violated by bad design decisions; ways of conscious design of urban spaces for health.


1 czerwca 2022 roku odbyło się spotkanie z dr Agnieszką Guizzo na temat związków między przestrzeniami zielonymi w mieście a zdrowiem psychicznym.
Podczas webinaru poruszono takie tematy, jak wpływ środowiska życia na zdrowie i zdrowie psychiczne; sposób, w jaki prawo do zdrowia psychicznego może być łamane przez złe decyzje projektowe; sposoby świadomego projektowania przestrzeni miejskich dla zdrowia.


1st in-person NeuroLandscape Workshop | Korthi-Greece | 7-9 May 2022

Natural and Cultural Heritage for Healthier and More Sustainable Urban Realms

The first, in-person scientific meeting of NeuroLandscape Team, titled "Natural and Cultural Heritage for Healthier and More Sustainable Urban Realms" took place among beautiful landscapes of the Greek island of Andros, hosted at the local Korthi Town Hall. 

The program of a 3-day event included:

SATURDAY (7.05.2022)

Time Presentation title - Speaker (Affiliation) Language
11:15 - 11:30 Welcome & Opening with Coffee GR/ENG
11:30 - 12:00 Contemplative Landscapes for Sustainable Tourism -  Dr. Agnieszka Olszewska-Guizzo (NeuroLandscape) ENG
12:00 - 12:30 Nature-Based Solutions for More Inclusive and Resilient Communities - Dr. Weronika Gasior (NeuroLandscape) ENG
12:30 - 13:00 A.I. Tools for Cultural Heritage and Tourism - Dr. Theofrastos Mantadelis (NeuroLandscape) ENG

SUNDAY (8.05.2022)

10:00 - 10:30 Impact in Post-pandemic Times: Neuroscience to the Rescue - Dr. Nicolas Escoffier (NeuroLandscape) ENG
10:30 - 11:15 Gender Equality Plan as a necessary tool for Horizon Europe Applications - Dr. Weronika Gasior (NeuroLandscape) ENG
11:15 - 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 - 12:00 Korthian Artists 1850-1950 - Mr. Aristeidis Mantadelis (Civil Engineer) GR/ENG
12:00 - 13:00 Can you  see what you’re looking at?: Contemplative Landscape Features Recognition and Assessment - outdoor workshop - Dr. Agnieszka Olszewska-Guizzo (NeuroLandscape) ENG

MONDAY (9.05.2022)

10:00 - 10:30 Dimetra - Predicting vulnerable goods disease before transportation - Dr. Theofrastos Mantadelis (NeuroLandscape) ENG
10:30 - 11:15 Sustainable food systems in the EU legal framework - Ms. Aleksandra Zaborowska (Neurolandscape and EP) ENG
11:15 - 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 - 12:00 Climate Change and Water Management - case study of Khulna, Bangladesh - Ms. Nazwa Tahsin (NeuroLandscape) ENG
12:00 - 12:30 VinhoLandscape - An Introduction to the Wines of Northern Portugal - Mr. Raul J.Guizzo (Symington Family Estates) ENG
12:30 - 13:00 Wine Tasting - workshop - Mr. Raul J.Guizzo (Symington Family Estates) ENG


EASCAPE VR – our first Virtual Healthy Environment

EASCAPE VR – our first Virtual Healthy Environment launching soon!

Thanks to Virtual Reality technology, our mission of providing science-based mental health tools through bringing people closer to nature, and specifically Contemplative Landscapes, has taken life in the form of EASCAPE.

It’s our free VR app that enables you to enjoy Contemplative Landscapes from the comfort of your home.


Because it lets you escape from everyday stress to immerse yourself in the healing power of nature, to ease the mind and enjoy beautiful Contemplative Landscapes carefully curated by scientists, whenever and wherever you decide to – all you need is a pair of VR goggles. After an intensive season of work and scientific testing with our partners, EPIC VR and Brainstorm, we are ready to share this exciting news with you - our app is becoming available very soon!

Best part? It’s completely free!

To make sure you don’t miss the grand release, you can subscribe to our newsletter (https://eascape.org), like and follow our Facebook page (https://lnkd.in/eUdr7VD), and if you’re already a VR user, you can add EASCAPE to your Steam wish list (https://lnkd.in/ejGjAyU).
Ready to ease your mind with a virtual journey?

We are!
#mentalhealth #eascape #eascapevr #virtualreality

BBC Worls Service, My perfect City

NeuroLandscape featured in BBC “My Perfect City”

NeuroLandscape featured in BBC "My Perfect City" Series episode which was released on: 30 Dec 2020

New episode of the BBC World Service "My perfect city" features Dr Agnieszka Olszewska-Guizzo among other experts.  They discuss Singapore as a city which attempts to improve residents' mental wellbeing through urban design.

Generally, people in cities are likely to experience mental health problems.  This counts for about 38% more than people living outside of big cities. Urban greening and creating therapeutic gardens with contemplative features can really help. But also, promoting high amenity public spaces,  physical exercise, housing security and social services are important too! These solutions can make a city more liveable but also reduce rates of disorders such as OCD, anxiety and depression.

But are these community-based, non-medical approaches enough to improve mental health among the population of the highly urbanized Singapore? Let's find out!


Listen to the end to find out if Singapore receives 3 ticks -  a perfect city mark.  This means that Singapore should be an example to follow by other cities!

Taking part in the podcast like this one was a great experience. Thanks to endeavours like this one we can share the knowledge from the scientists and inform the public!

Here are some other blog posts related to Singapore:

  1. Singapore Urban Sustainability MND Congress.
  2. IFLA Conference, Singapore
  3. Neuroscience data collection outdoors
  4. NeuroLandscape featured in BBC "My Perfect City"
Conscious Cities Festival

Healthy Cities – Cities for Humans, Conscious Warsaw 2020 (VIDEO)

A speech presented during the "Conscious Warsaw - Sensing our City" webinar organized by the Center for Conscious Design, which took place on October 22, 2020, in Polish (English subtitles available in this video!).

Dr. Agnieszka Olszewska-Guizzo presented a new concept of designing mentally healthy cities based on contact with salutogenic natural landscapes (Contemplative Landscapes) and introduced the scientific background and activities of her NGO.

The entire webinar is available on https://theccd.org/domain/conscious-warsaw/

Centre for Conscious Design: www.theccd.org


Designing & Using School Grounds to Support Mental Health (Video Available!)

The video from the webinar is already available on! The webinar organized by the International School Grounds Alliance and the Children &Nature Network on how school grounds can be designed and used to support took place on June 23rd 2020, and featured research and design insights on how to design mentally healthy outdoor spaces for children.

Everyone interested in design for children will find a lot of inspiration in this video, in other words it's a must-see! We are very proud and grateful that NeuroLandscape could be a part of this insightful panel!

The program featured:

  1. an introduction to the ISGA activity by Kerry Logan;
  2. showcasing international best-practice examples, by Kathrin Schmiele;
  3. research and design lessons from neuroscience by Dr Agnieszka Olszewska-Guizzo;
  4. strategies for the design of schoolyards for students Claire Latané.

Related post


Elizabeth & Nona Evans Restorative Garden, a Garden for Contemplation

I have recently found a great piece of literature about designing urban gardens for well-being. “Restorative commons: Creating health and well-being through urban landscapes” by Campbell, Lindsay; Wiesen, Anne published in 2009 under USDA – Forest Service.

Here is the link to the online resource – available free pdf version!

What specifically caught my attention there is the description of the case example of the Elizabeth & Nona Evans Restorative Garden in Cleveland, a winner of a design charrette. Part of this design is a Garden for Contemplation, inviting specifically the elderly and persons with disabilities

The space is easy to comprehend and inviting to first-time visitors who discover smaller
more private spaces within. This verdant, quiet garden is gracious and
welcoming. It is lush; its colors calm and serene. The design reflects
the proportion, scale, and fine detailing of the adjacent handsome
modern limestone library

It is beautifully designed with consideration of all aspects of a contemplative model. One interesting aspect is that it contains poems in Braille’s language

The height of the pool in relation to the adjacent path was carefully considered to allow visitors to see
reflections of trees and sky whether sitting or standing. Behind it a fountain flows from the top of the low wall into a basin.

I encourage everyone to have a look at this chapter, and others, that bring the best available knowledge about the landscape design for Health and Well-being!