
“A Talks” cycle ✨ Mental health – What does Architecture Have to do with it? ✨

5th November, at 19:00. National Art Gallery in Vilnius, Lithuania Our CEO Dr. Agnieszka Olszewska-Guizzo gave a talk titled “Can landscapes be healing?”at the National Gallery of Art in Vilnius. In this talk, Agnieszka explored the intersection between landscape architecture and neuroscience, which led to the creation of Contemplative Landscapes. She presented the science behind Read More

Anna Artemeva

Therapeutic Landscapes, Hospice Care, and Fight Club: An Interview with Landscape Architect Anna Artemeva

“The important thing to understand is that a hospice is not a place where people die, but rather a place where they live out their final stage of life.” Anna Artemeva, Landscape Architect


“Neuroscience for Designing Green Spaces: Contemplative Landscapes” – A Revolutionary Book

Experience the power of “Neuroscience for Designing Green Spaces: Contemplative Landscapes” – a revolutionary book by Dr. Agnieszka Olszewska-Guizzo. This comprehensive guide was released on May 30, 2023. It revolutionizes landscape design through an innovative approach rooted in neuroscience.   Unveiling Contemplative Landscape Design Delve into the concept of Contemplative Landscape Design, meticulously crafted over Read More


Circular Green Cities at the Floriade Expo 2021

Experts talks were a part of the Sustainability day at the FoodForum and gave a lot of fruit for thought on how we can work towards more #circular cities (Vojtech Vosecky), nature inclusive urban developments such as #pampus #Almere (Paola Huijding & Ingrid Zeegers) and on a street-level scale by #RewildingSteppingStones (Gideon Spanjar) and the value for human well-being by Dr Agnieszka Olszewska-Guizzo. The event was Read More


Neuro-architecture to promote well-being | MAB 2020 Symposium

JULY 1, 2021 16:30 – 18:00 (CEST) Neuro-architecture transmits knowledge and technologies from the field of neuroscience into the professions of spatial design, aimed to get better-informed design solutions to promote human and non-human well-being in our public spaces. We kick off with the key findings of our 2-year research project Sensing Streetscapes, followed by Read More


The New Urban Normal_Dr Diana’s speech at TecNM (Mexico)_VIDEO

24th September 2020. Tecnológico Nacional de México, campus Costa Grande, hosted an online event addressing the World New Normal in the interdisciplinary lens. Dr Diana Benjumea gave a speech regarding architecture and urban planning, where she sets a new paradigm of bottom-up, evidence-based urban design. Moreover,  she introduces NeuroLandscape projects and explains the global implications Read More


April – the World Landscape Architecture Month by ASLA

When I went to my first scientific conference, as a PhD candidate, I was surprised that the main topic of the post-conference discussion was about “what is the landscape architecture?”. For more than 1 hour landscape architects (teachers, academics, and proffessionals) were discussing vividly about what it is that what they do. I found it Read More



Many aspects of our lives are far more interlinked than we normally imagine. Breakthroughs in neuroscience have made these links even more sensible than ever. Read more at the practical design and construction site Houzz, how nouroarchitecture can look like in practice. Photo credits: #Houzz