
Visiting Nature’s Embrace: A Singapore Exhibition Showcasing the Healing Effects of Nature

Have you ever wondered why vacation destinations often feature a natural landscapes? And if you can find this type of natural paradise right here in Singapore?

With support from Singapore’s National Parks Board, the Mind Art Experiential Lab of the National University of Singapore’s Yeo Boon Khim Mind Science Centre has curated the “Nature’s Embrace: A Gift to the Mind” exhibition. The exhibition is open for appointment-based viewing until September 2024. It allows visitors to explore the connection between nature and mental well-being through serene visuals and calming nature melodies. Not to mention, it also provides techniques that can improve the mind-body-nature connection that you can try at home.

Nature’s gifts

Upon entering the exhibit, visitors are greeted by a panel mapping the effects of urban nature on health, ranging from physical well-being and social interactions to mental health. This isn’t an easy feat to illustrate, but the aesthetically pleasing, forest-themed visuals and bite-sized text do the job well.

The exhibit then introduces visitors to the concept of “mindfulness.” Here mindfulness is defined as the awareness that comes from paying attention to the present moment in a non-judgemental manner. By slowing down and becoming more aware of our thoughts and surroundings, we can acknowledge and process them, rather than leaving them to accumulate.

The next exhibition panel demonstrates how nature can facilitate mindfulness by offering restorative settings that engage our senses with soothing features. This provides a break from everyday stressors and allows us to recharge. Imagine the sounds of birds singing in the morning or water trickling down a small waterfall as you stroll amongst lush greenery. Add in a light breeze and subtle flowery scents. These elements bring our attention back to the present, moving us away from the worries of the day.

Panel introducing the features of nature that help facilitate mindfulness.

The exhibition features leading studies conducted by the center on the health benefits of nature on the citizens of Singapore. These include the effects of therapeutic gardening, such as a local 10-week therapeutic horticulture program, on the motor, cognitive, and psycho-social well-being of older adults.

But how do we translate these findings to improve the spaces around us? Dr. Agnieszka Olszewska-Guizzo’s study on urban green spaces does just that, identifying landscape features that improve mood and boost brain activity. These features, such as high perceived biodiversity and multiple landscape layers, elevate inner calmness, reduce distracting thoughts, and help the mind process information in a clear and neutral manner. This research led to the development of the Contemplative Landscape Model, which is now used to design parks in Singapore to enhance their restorative effects.

The seven Contemplative Landscape Model features that can be seen in nature.

Seeking Solace in the Forest

Picture this. Lush, multi-layered tropical vegetation surrounding a wall with a gentle stream of water flowing down. You can even hear the sound of water as it makes its way across the panel. The “Nature’s Embrace Water Feature” is an installation that engages all the senses of visitors, reflecting the tranquil effects of a forest.

Nearby is the Tropical Paludarium, showcasing a naturalistic representation of what we would typically imagine in a tropical forest river channel. The transparent glass reveals a vertical cross-section, from the canopy layers of vegetation above to the extensive roots reaching into the fine sand and rocks below. This cross-section allows visitors to appreciate the biodiversity and elements that create a healthy ecosystem.

A panel behind the Tropical Paludarium explains the practice of forest bathing, Shinrin-yoku. Originating from Japan, Shinrin-yoku offers physical and mental health benefits when done mindfully, even in Singapore’s highly urbanized landscape. The study conducted by the center found that regular guided forest bathing walks can reduce backaches, lower blood pressure and anxiety, as improve sleep, empathy, and positivity.

Shiinrin-yoku’s health benefits study on Singapore’s population.

The landscape then makes a drastic shift to a mostly white and open installation. The Dry Garden replicates the Japanese stone gardens, Karesansui. With its distinct five-stone arrangement, it evokes the ripple effect of water. The open spaces and white-grey colors create a sense of peaceful silence, demonstrating how different natural landscapes can positively affect us.

Bringing Nature and its Gifts to our Living Spaces

In the middle of the exhibition space, visitors are introduced to nature-based activities that enhance mindfulness. Besides gardening, therapeutic horticulture activities can be done indoors, such as creating terrariums and moss art. By immersing in micro-landscaping, visitors can engage their focus and usually hidden creativity, evoking a sense of exploration and, eventually, a sense of achievement.

Moss art created by the exhibition’s visitors framed for the public.

For a less nature-based activity, mandala creation and meditation combine the effects of the open, circular formation seen in Japanese stone gardens with the self-expression and engagement of horticulture activities, promoting contemplation, creativity, and relaxation. The exhibition also offers paid terrarium and forest bathing workshops for those interested.

Beautiful mandala art pieces produced by some of the exhibition’s visitors.

Through this short immersive experience, visitors learn different ways to improve their well-being using the healing features of nature. More importantly, it reminds us that these urban green spaces are worth protecting and rehabilitating for both the Earth’s and our well-being.

Anna Artemeva

Therapeutic Landscapes, Hospice Care, and Fight Club: An Interview with Landscape Architect Anna Artemeva

“The important thing to understand is that a hospice is not a place where people die, but rather a place where they live – their final stage of life.”

Palliative care is a specialized form of healthcare that focuses on quality-of-life care for those with chronic, life-limiting conditions. This care most often includes counseling sessions, symptom management, movement practices, creative therapies such as music or art, as well as spiritual or emotional guidance. The facilities are designed to act as “healing spaces,” blending aesthetics with practical aspects of comfort and safety for patients, staff, and visitors.

From the micro details of color palettes and the homeliness of kitchens to the angle, size, and position of windows allowing natural light and views of the outdoors, every indoor element of these places is thoughtfully considered. However, while there is extensive literature on the restorative effects of nature on patients, less attention has been given to the quality of the natural landscape as a critical factor in the therapeutic equation.

In the following interview, we explore the importance of landscape architecture in creating therapeutic (contemplative) spaces within hospices. Our guest, Anna Artemeva, is a Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA) from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), specializing in sustainable urbanization. Originally from Russia, Anna now finds inspiration in the blend of the natural and the urban in her new home of Stockholm, Sweden.

We discuss her journey to researching therapeutic landscapes, especially her recently published Master’s thesis titled: “Testing a Contemplative Landscape Model to Design a Stress-Reducing Therapeutic Landscape for the Mellanorrlands Hospice.” What is especially interesting is the focus of her research: the application of the Contemplative Landscape Model (CLM) developed by Agnieszka Olszewska-Guizzo (founder of NeuroLandscape and author of Neuroscience for Designing Green Spaces Contemplative Landscapes) in a setting that had not previously been studied under this model, a hospice.

AB: To get started, could you share a brief introduction about yourself and your first steps into the world of landscape architecture, particularly with a focus on therapeutic landscapes?

AA: My name is Anna Artemeva. I’m originally from Russia, but I’ve now lived in Stockholm for about 7 years. In Russia, I studied interior design and landscape architecture. However, I primarily worked as an interior designer on public and private projects. When I moved to Sweden, I decided to shift my career focus towards landscape architecture. I was fascinated by how landscape architects create such beautiful environments here. I pursued a Master’s program in Landscape Architecture for Sustainable Urbanization at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

AB: Can you describe a specific experience in nature that sparked your interest in landscape architecture?

AA: My life in Russia gave me two different experiences that I believe really shaped my interest in landscape architecture. I grew up in Chelyabinsk. So, I was surrounded by the stunning natural beauty of the Ural Mountains and the crystal-clear, incredibly beautiful lakes. However, at the same time, Chelyabinsk itself is a city with severe environmental issues, especially air pollution. It’s a big city with poor urban infrastructure.

So, there is this contrast between the natural and the urban environment. The experience of growing up with both of these worlds really pushed me to want to learn more about cities and how to build nice environment. I could feel how it affects you if you live in such a harsh city environment.

I think what initially drew me to using design to improve people’s well-being especially through nature is my experience living in Sweden and Stockholm. Stockholm is such a good example of this – a city where there’s a union between nature and the city. So, I’m really interested in understanding these processes. How it can happen, how it affects people, and how we can create these types of environments.

AB: Your thesis focused on the application of the Contemplative Landscape Model (CLM) developed by our founder, Agnieszka Olszewska-Guizzo, at Mellanorrlands Hospice. Why were you inspired to explore the use of landscapes for therapy in hospice care?

AA: I was drawn to hospice care because it offered a unique context and specific needs. Here, creating therapeutic landscapes wasn’t simply desirable, but of necessity. It’s not about creating fancy landscapes. They need landscapes that genuinely support their patients.

I felt connected to the philosophy of hospice care. Especially the fact that they are built to allow their guests live their life as fully as possible. I wanted to support this and this is where therapeutic landscapes came in.

AB: What initially drew you to study Mellanorrlands Hospice as a subject for exploring CLM?

AA: What initially drew me to Mellanorrlands Hospice and not another hospice as a subject for exploring CLM? It’s quite simple. It was the only hospice I could establish a connection with. I conducted a lot of research into the hospices here in Sweden. There are great examples in southern Sweden, but they were too far away.

Mellanorrlands Hospice was not only geographically accessible, but they were very willing to cooperate and give me the opportunity to work with a specific spot on their premises. I’m incredibly grateful for their willingness to participate. There was a moment when I thought, “Oh my God, I will probably write my thesis without a subject.” So, I’m really very thankful that they answered and were so open and kind.

AB: Could you tell me a little more about Mellanorrlands Hospice itself? How would you describe its environment (rural, urban, etc.)? Does the surrounding landscape play a role in the overall therapeutic experience, and if so, how?  Who are the typical patients that receive care at the hospice? Can you profile them?

AA: Mellanorrlands hospice is located in Sundsvall, a Swedish town north of Stockholm. The hospice itself is located on the shore of Lake Sidsjön on the border between the city and a nature reserve. It is positioned in the urban area, next to a residential area with a school, a hospital, a sports club, and hotel. However, the hospice and nursing home are deliberately set apart, separated by a road and a forest. This separation helps to orient it towards the beautiful, hilly landscape of the nature reserve, offering stunning views down to the lake.

The surrounding landscape plays a large part in the therapeutic experience of patients. The hospice is designed so that all patient rooms face the natural landscape. These rooms not only offer beautiful views, but each has its own access to a common terrace with an open view of the valley.  On the hospice website there is a testimonial from one of the patient’s daughter. She notes how her father cherished the view from the window, watching the ice melt and spring arrive from his bed. He watched these views daily in the last spring of his life.

“Dad’s room was fantastic, as I realized over time,” she writes. “It had a wonderful view of the lakeside. From his bed, he could watch the ice send off and spring come in for the last time.”

The important thing to understand is that a hospice is not a place where people die, but rather a place where they live out their final stage of life. The most frequent diagnosis of hospice patients at Sundsvall is cancer. In 2021, only 8% of patients were diagnosed with non-cancer. The average age of patients is 73. In 2021, the youngest patient was 41 and the oldest was 92. What we learn is, hospice patients are very diverse in age and spend anywhere from a few weeks, to months, to a whole year in care. The condition and mobility of the patients can also vary quite a lot. They can be quite independent, as well as those who need specialized cage and struggle to move without using a wheelchair or there are those who lie on a bed the whole day.

Despite the varied backgrounds and conditions, what these individuals share in common is that, with the proper medical care and anesthesia, they can and want to live their lives to the fullest.

AB: Can you walk me through the process of using the Contemplative Landscape Model (CLM) to design a space for hospice patients? Maybe use an example from Mellanorrlands Hospice?

AA: Let’s do it. The first step using CLM is to understand the view which specific view to focus on. In my case at Mellanorrlands Hospice, it was very easy to find this spot because there was a central area that was most usable for both patients and staff. This is where they often relax, chat, and just spend time with loved ones. So, it was definitely this point where I could work with the landscape and a very specific view.

The next step was to evaluate the existing view using the Contemplative Landscape Model guide. It’s a step-by-step guide where you answer the questions and receive a score for each element. In my case, the landscape scored well in some elements like typical and archetypal elements, a good visible and recognizable character, peace and silence, and a natural and harmonious color palette.

However, some important elements like layers of landscape, biodiversity, and land forms weren’t well represented in the landscape. This resulted in an overall average contemplative score. This meant this particular landscape couldn’t provide a good stress reduction atmosphere.

So, the last step was to develop a design proposal that addressed these weak elements and increased the overall contemplation score. Here, it was important to think about specific design solutions that were necessary for the group of users. For instance, many patients in the hospice use wheelchairs or have limited mobility. That was why my design proposal focused on creating the landscape by using trees instead of other plants. Plants placed on a lower level wouldn’t be very accessible for these people. This highlighted another interesting aspect of the CLM framework.

AB: What surprised you the most about the challenges of designing a therapeutic landscape?

AA: You know, the biggest surprise came during a discussion about my thesis. I wanted to find an approach with a strong scientific basis, ideally something that has a medicine base. My goal was to really prove that this approach could lead to design a stress-reducing environment.

Some landscape architecture professors were very skeptical that it’s possible at all to scientifically prove that an environment can be stress reducing. This led me to believe that many professors may not be very familiar with neurobiology and cognitive science. It seemed to be they were unaware that today’s research can now design experiments that clearly demonstrate how this landscape can have an effect on stress reduction.

So, this skepticism was the most surprising moment for me. Before I found the Contemplative Landscape Model, there were very few articles and papers that provided enough that can be used in cases where you need to create a very specific environment for stress reduction.

AB: In your thesis, you proposed further research to refine CLM for wider applications. Can you elaborate on some specific areas you’d like to see explored to strengthen the model?

AA: Absolutely. I’d be very interested in knowing more about the dynamics that happen in the process. So in the research papers, the practitioners creates experiments where they used a mechanism that let them see this process played out in the brain. But what I’m trying to say is that a person just comes and observes a landscape, and we don’t know what’s going on.

What if someone observes this landscape not just that day, but for weeks, months and years? Because our brains can adapt pretty well to all environments, and I believe there could be some changes that happen if a person observes a landscape over longer periods of time. So I’d like to see how that looks.

Another thing that’s very important for me as a landscape architect is to investigate if the framework that exists right now with this guide system is good enough for landscape architects to implement this method. I found that there’s a very subjective process that happens when you answer the questions.

What if I someone with a different background than myself, maybe someone who lives here and has fallen in love with this landscape, how would they answer the questions? And I observed that some questions I could have answered differently. So, it would be great to see this instrument in a more objective framework.

AB: Building on your research, what advice can you offer to landscape architects who want to design therapeutic spaces in other healthcare settings or even public areas?

AA: That’s quite a tricky question. Build on my experience, I’d say that I need more context. For instance, the specific location and the user group. But I can definitely recommend looking into the Contemplative Landscape Model. It has a really good set of questions and detailed descriptions for each element that can influence a landscape’s impact. This framework can inspire landscape architects and encourage them to develop their own questions specific to the project. They can then create better therapeutic environments, I believe.

AB: Your research highlights the connection between nature and well-being in hospice care. Can you translate this concept into actionable steps for our audience who might be interested in creating a more therapeutic outdoor space in their own homes or gardens?

AA: I’m not sure if my my experience can be directly applied in this way. Especially when we’re talking about private gardens, because one of the important elements in a stress-reducing landscape is biodiversity, and biodiversity is often combined with natural colors. But in private gardens, I believe people often prefer a more colorful environment.

So again, maybe it’s a good idea to read Neuroscientists for Design in Green Space and learn from the experiences there, and make your own experiment. Understand what kind of therapeutic garden you’d like to create, and just just to do it! Experiment! With this approach, remember that a landscape is always a process. It’s not just about the results. So, enjoy the process!

AB: During your research, how did your personal views or feelings about nature and healing evolve?

AA: I have always enjoyed being outside. I spend a lot of my free time closer to nature. Now, I realize even more that being in nature can be a tool for stress management. If I am in a stressful situation, I look for open spaces with inspiring views. I understand now how important it is to spend even more time in a calming landscape.

AB: Can you share a story about how your interactions with patients or staff at Mellanorrlands Hospice influenced your approach to the project?

AA: Absolutely. One specific interaction with a patient really stands out in my mind. During a visit, the hospice staff asked me to talk with a woman because she and her husband spoke primarily Russian and little Swedish. We had a great conversation about a lot of different things. The woman had difficulty holding her head up because she had recently had surgery. So, she was mostly resting her head on the headrest.

As we talked, I asked her where in the landscape her gaze fell most naturally. Surprisingly, she pointed to a completely different spot than the one I had identified initially. This small change in the angle of the head position really affected her relationship with the landscape and her perspective. This experience pushed me to think deeper about other unique needs and limitations people face in this period of their life.

AB: Can you elaborate on the specific “gazing point” the woman identified?

AA: In general, I was talking about the difference between a healthy person’s perception of the landscape and a person with physical limitations. In the initial design process, I analyzed the therapeutic garden through the lens of a healthy person. That is, I looked at elements for contemplating and reflecting that naturally attracted my attention, what was missing, how my gaze wandered through the landscape, where it stopped.

However, when talking to this patient who had difficulty keeping her head upright and so spent most of her time resting her head on the headrest with her head slightly tilted, I realized that her process of contemplation – how her gaze wandered across the landscape and where it lingered and stopped – was different from mine.

I haven’t had the opportunity to further fully research and develop this specific question in more detail. It was an important moment of realization. In my work, I’ve always kept in mind that the landscape should interact both with people with no mobility limitations and with people with mobility limitations. I also tried to take into account factors such as a patient’s depressive state and their experiencing an existential crisis.

From this point of view, it was encouraging to see how a contemplative landscape showed positive effects on people with depression. But internally, the question remained: what other physical changes, brought on by illness, could have a significant impact on the perception of the landscape that I hadn’t taken into account.

AB: What were some of your most significant personal challenges during this research, and how did you overcome them?

Personally, it was very challenging to write my thesis. It was my first major research paper, and I struggled to find enough people to have discussions related to my topic. Unfortunately, I didn’t find many opportunities to discuss my topic. But I use all the opportunities I get to discuss my topic with anyone open to it.

AB: I am curious to hear about the reception of your research topic and final design. How did the patients, staff members, and even your teachers and fellow students react to your work on therapeutic landscapes at Mellanorrlands Hospice?

AA: There was a lot of interest amongst fellow students in the method itself. For most of them, it was entirely new, and they wanted to learn more about its use and the evidence supporting it.

The topic of the hospice center was also interesting to the teachers. Because the topic is not common, people don’t often get to work with it in depth. They hear about it, discuss it, and can really immerse themselves in the topic. It seems to me there is a common misconception: “Hospice is a place where people die”, which gives rise to certain associations.

Just a year ago, there was a situation where people opposed building a hospice in their neighborhood. I think if people realized that a hospice is a place where people live, they might be less likely to protest.

So, we had a lot of discussions with the teachers about the philosophy and specifics of palliative care, and the unique relationship between hospices and landscape design.

AB: Being at the beginning of your journey into landscape architecture, what reflections can you share about how you see the future of landscape architecture evolving, particularly in the context of therapeutic and contemplative spaces?

AA: I would definitely like to see more collaboration between landscape architecture and other fields, especially neurobiology and cognitive science. And I believe that landscape architecture can gain a lot of useful tools from these collaborations, and maybe rethink existing tools and approaches in a more efficient way.

AB: What advice would you give to communities or institutions looking to integrate therapeutic landscapes into their environments?

AA: First of all, it’s definitely important to do research and understand the needs. This means conducting thorough research to understand the specific needs and preferences of the community or institution. Consider factors such as the cultural backgrounds and even the health issues of the community.

Find the right experts to collaborate with is also very important. Landscape architects, environmental psychologists, or even other relevant experts in this field can really help build a built environment in a more efficient way.

AB: What are your next steps or future projects in this field? Are there particular aspects or techniques you wish to explore further?

AA: For me, right now, it’s very important to use my theoretical knowledge in a practical way. I’m looking forward and very excited to gain practical experience in the field.

AB: If you could create a therapeutic landscape in any location in the world, where would it be and what unique features would it have?

AA: I took this question very seriously actually. I just want to see a therapeutic landscape everywhere where it’s really needed.

AB: Which fictional character do you think would most benefit from spending time in a therapeutic landscape? Why?

AA: I shared this question with my sister and I really liked her answer. She said to change the final scene in the movie, Fight Club, where the main characters are standing and holding hands with exploding buildings in the background. So, we suggest to change this background to a therapeutic landscape. Really, I feel that it this is what we, across the world, are really seeking right now and it’s changing this whole story in such a positive way. This is our suggestion that would completely rewrite Fight Club.

AB: If you had to describe your ideal therapeutic garden using only three words, what would they be?

AA: Appropriate, attractive and therapeutic. Because if a random person came to this landscape I created and said, Oh my God, it’s so therapeutic,” then I know I’ve achieved my goal.

Continue reading “Therapeutic Landscapes, Hospice Care, and Fight Club: An Interview with Landscape Architect Anna Artemeva”
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CLM field session in Singapore – How to recognize Contemplative Landscape features in the park

On 6.10.2023 upon the National Parks Board (NParks Singapore) request, Dr Agnieszka Olszewska-Guizzo conducted the onsite consultation and training for the NParks designers and officers regarding the use of the Contemplative Landscape Model (CLM). NParks is currently rolling out the CLM in their parks and actively using this evidence-based tool [read more here].

We’re hoping to mainstream this research and apply it to a lot more sites outside of our parks and gardens… So far, we’re still in the early stage of hand-holding, but we hope it becomes adopted and grows in the wider industry”, says Jason Wright, Director of Design at NParks.

During the session Dr Guizzo shared the practical considerations of the use of the tool in the evaluation of the newly implemented"Wellness Garden"  - a part of East Coast Park in Singapore.  Additionally, she has answered the doubts and addressed the considerations of NParks landscape architects team about the active use of the CLM.

This was a very fruitful exchange session where all issues could be discussed in confrontation with the actual site!


“Neuroscience for Designing Green Spaces: Contemplative Landscapes” – A Revolutionary Book

Experience the power of "Neuroscience for Designing Green Spaces: Contemplative Landscapes" - a revolutionary book by Dr. Agnieszka Olszewska-Guizzo. This comprehensive guide was released on May 30, 2023. It revolutionizes landscape design through an innovative approach rooted in neuroscience.


Unveiling Contemplative Landscape Design

Delve into the concept of Contemplative Landscape Design, meticulously crafted over a decade of research. Driven by neuroscience principles, this book serves as a go-to resource for landscape architects and architects seeking to effortlessly integrate mental health and well-being into their practice.

This is the first time where I put together the knowldege acumulated thoughout the years.  This book contains all the nuances about design for mental health and well-being. So that landscape architects and architects can easily access and use for their practice.  Before I published only peer-reviewed articles focused mostly on the mental health implications and the performed neuroscience experinents. But I am a landscape architect first, so I come back to my original field with and I hope it will be a useful tool for anyone interested in designing or benefitting from contact with natural landscapes! - says the author.

Accessing the Book

Discover "Neuroscience for Designing Green Spaces: Contemplative Landscapes" available in paperback, hardcover, and e-book formats. You can easily purchase your copy through the Taylor & Francis website or Amazon, ensuring convenient access to this groundbreaking publication.

The book cover of a new book "Neuroscience for Designing Green Spaces: Contemplative Landscapes" It featues a silhouette of a person looking at the beautiful landscape view with a shape of a city on a horizon. There are tall old trees and sunshine shining through them. There are also chairs and a table behind a person standing on a grassy ground


Urban parks and gardens are where people go to reconnect with nature and destress. But do they all provide the same benefits or are some better than others? What specific attributes set some green spaces apart? Can we objectively measure their impact on mental health and well-being? If so, how do we use this evidence to guide the design of mentally healthy cities?

The Contemplative Landscape Model unveils the path to answer these questions. Rooted in landscape architecture and neuroscience, this innovative concept is described for the first time in an extended format, offering a deep dive into contemplative design and the science behind it. In the face of the global mental health crisis, and increasing disconnection from nature, design strategies for creating healthier urban environments are what our cities so sorely need.

This book delves into the neuroscience behind contemplative landscapes, their key spatial characteristics, and practical applications of the Contemplative Landscape Model through case studies from around the world. Landscape architects, urban planners, students, land managers, and anyone interested in unlocking the healing power of landscapes will find inspiration here.

"Neuroscience for Designing Green Spaces: Contemplative Landscapes" - a revolutionary book

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What A.I. says about Contemplative Landscape Model?

It is fascinating how artificial intelligence can provide us with a third-person's view of our field of expertise. It is like having another expert summarising our work from an objective standpoint, making it more approachable for anybody. We recently asked ChatGPT about the Contemplative Landscape Model and its usability for professionals and how its benefits can be leveraged. Here is the Q&A with the A.I.!

What can the Contemplative Landscape Model do?

The Contemplative Landscape Model, developed by Dr. Olszewska-Guizzo, is a research-based framework that aims to identify the landscape scenes that have the highest potential to induce positive mental health outcomes from passive exposure to them. The model does not focus on identifying mental health benefits from nature exposure per se, but instead, it identifies design elements that can enhance the quality of the outdoor environment and promote human well-being.

The model's primary focus is on identifying specific design elements in the landscape that can create contemplative experiences and promote positive mental health outcomes. These elements include features such as water, vegetation, and other natural elements that can elicit a sense of calm and tranquility in the viewer. The model proposes that by incorporating these elements into the design of public spaces, designers can create environments that promote positive mental health outcomes and enhance the quality of life of users.

The Contemplative Landscape Model has practical applications in a variety of settings, from healthcare and educational facilities to urban parks and residential neighborhoods. By using the model to guide their design choices, landscape architects and urban designers can create environments that are not only visually appealing but also promote positive mental health outcomes.

Overall, the Contemplative Landscape Model offers a valuable tool for landscape architects and urban designers to create outdoor environments that promote human well-being and foster contemplative experiences.

What are the seven key elements of the Contemplative Landscape Model?

The seven key elements of the Contemplative Landscape Model are as follows:

  1. Layers of the Landscape: This refers to the different layers of the landscape, from the ground level to the sky, and how they interact to create a sense of depth and connection to the environment.
  2. Landform: The contours and shape of the land are used to create a sense of enclosure and openness, as well as to guide the flow of movement and energy.
  3. Biodiversity: Incorporating a diverse range of plant and animal life can help to create a sense of connection to nature and promote ecological health.
  4. Color and Light: The use of color and light can help to create a specific mood or atmosphere within the space, such as calmness or energy.
  5. Compatibility: The design should be compatible with the surrounding context, including the architectural style and cultural context.
  6. Archetypal Elements: The archetypal elements in the Contemplative Landscape Model are typically considered to be water, earth, air, and vegetation (e.g. forest, meadow, etc.). These elements are often used to create a connection to the natural world and evoke a sense of archetypal meaning and symbolism within the space.
  7. Character of Peace and Silence: The overall design should promote a sense of peace and silence, allowing visitors to relax and reflect.

What is the most important contemplative landscape element?

It is difficult to say that any one element of the Contemplative Landscape Model is the most important, as they all work together to create a space that promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and promotes positive mental health outcomes. However, some researchers have suggested that the use of natural elements such as water and vegetation may be particularly important in creating a restorative environment.

Research has shown that exposure to natural environments with these elements can help to reduce stress, improve cognitive function, and promote positive mood states. Additionally, the use of natural elements can create a sense of connection to the natural world, which can also promote well-being.

That being said, each of the seven elements in the Contemplative Landscape Model - Layers of the Landscape, Landform, Biodiversity, Color and light, Compatibility, Archetypal Elements and Character of Peace and Silence - plays an important role in creating a space that is restorative and promotes positive mental health outcomes.

...but the desert does not have any vegetation and is contemplative...

You are correct that a desert landscape may not have traditional forms of vegetation, but it can still be contemplative and have elements that promote positive mental health outcomes.

For example, a desert landscape may have unique landforms and patterns in the sand that can create a sense of awe and wonder. The play of light and shadow in the desert can also be captivating and calming, especially during sunrise or sunset. The stillness and quiet of a desert environment can also create a sense of peace and serenity.

The Contemplative Landscape Model recognizes that each landscape is unique and that different elements may be important in different contexts. While natural elements such as vegetation are often important in creating restorative environments, other elements such as landforms, light, and silence can also play an important role.

...moreover, the desert is a powerful archetype. The experience of being alone in the desert's harsh landscape is considered an existential experience.

You are correct that the desert can be a powerful archetype and evoke a variety of existential experiences.

The archetype of the desert can represent both harshness and isolation, as well as the potential for renewal and transformation. The vast and barren landscape can evoke feelings of solitude, self-reflection, and introspection, while also representing the potential for spiritual growth and renewal.

As such, the contemplative experience of being alone in the desert's harsh landscape can be considered an existential experience. The vastness of the landscape can make one feel small and insignificant but also connected to something greater than oneself. This sense of awe and wonder can promote a sense of mindfulness and presence, which can in turn promote positive mental health outcomes.

Where in the world Contemplative Landscape Model can be the most useful?

The Contemplative Landscape Model can be useful in many different parts of the world where there is a need to create outdoor environments that promote human well-being and foster contemplative experiences.

In particular, the model can be most useful in urban areas where people may have limited access to natural environments. Studies have shown that exposure to nature can have a positive impact on mental health and well-being, but many urban environments lack access to green spaces or natural scenery. By incorporating elements of the natural environment into urban design, such as green roofs, public parks, or street trees, the Contemplative Landscape Model can help to enhance the quality of the built environment and promote positive mental health outcomes.

The model may also be particularly useful in areas with high levels of stress or trauma, such as healthcare facilities or areas affected by natural disasters. By creating outdoor spaces that are designed to promote contemplative experiences and enhance the sense of calm, the Contemplative Landscape Model can help to improve the mental health and well-being of people in these high-stress environments.

Overall, the Contemplative Landscape Model can be useful in many different parts of the world, especially in urban environments and high-stress environments where there is a need to promote positive mental health outcomes and enhance the quality of life of users.

Can the Contemplative Landscape Model be used in developing countries?

Yes, the Contemplative Landscape Model can be used in developing countries. In fact, it may be especially relevant in these countries, where urbanization and rapid development are often accompanied by a loss of natural landscapes and green spaces.

In many developing countries, the lack of access to green spaces and exposure to nature can contribute to poor mental health outcomes. By incorporating elements of nature into urban design, the Contemplative Landscape Model can help to create environments that promote positive mental health outcomes, even in highly urbanized areas.

Furthermore, the Contemplative Landscape Model is designed to be adaptable to different cultural contexts and geographic regions. It is based on a universal understanding of human responses to different types of landscapes, rather than on specific cultural or regional factors. This means that the model can be applied in many different countries and contexts, including developing countries.

Overall, the Contemplative Landscape Model can be a valuable tool in promoting positive mental health outcomes and enhancing the quality of life in developing countries. By incorporating elements of nature into urban design, the model can help to create healthier, more sustainable, and more livable cities in these countries.

Which social and economic groups can benefit the most from contemplative landscapes?

Contemplative landscapes can provide numerous benefits to a wide range of social and economic groups. However, certain groups may benefit more than others.

One group that may benefit greatly from contemplative landscapes is those living in urban areas, especially those who lack access to green spaces and natural environments. This can include low-income communities, as they often have less access to parks and other outdoor recreational spaces. Contemplative landscapes can provide these communities with a way to connect with nature, reduce stress, and improve overall mental health and well-being.

Additionally, contemplative landscapes can be beneficial for individuals who experience high levels of stress, such as healthcare workers, caregivers, and those in high-pressure jobs. These individuals may benefit from access to outdoor spaces that are designed to promote relaxation and contemplation, which can help to reduce stress and improve mental health.

Finally, contemplative landscapes can be beneficial for individuals who are recovering from trauma or experiencing mental health issues. Exposure to nature has been shown to have a positive impact on mental health and well-being, and contemplative landscapes can provide a space for individuals to relax, reflect, and heal.

Overall, while contemplative landscapes can benefit many different social and economic groups, those who may benefit the most include those living in urban areas with limited access to green spaces, individuals experiencing high levels of stress, and those recovering from trauma or experiencing mental health issues.

How costly it is to implement contemplative landscapes in the city or a neighborhood?

The cost of implementing contemplative landscapes into a city or neighborhood can vary depending on a range of factors, such as the size of the area, the existing infrastructure, the desired design elements, and the level of community involvement. However, in general, incorporating contemplative landscapes into urban design does not necessarily have to be an expensive undertaking.

One simple way to create contemplative landscapes is by opening up views to distant natural scenes. Another key-principles of contemplative landscape design is the use of natural materials and low-impact design elements, which can help to keep costs down. For example, incorporating existing vegetation, such as trees and shrubs, can provide numerous benefits without the need for costly landscaping. Additionally, incorporating low-cost design elements, such as benches, walkways, and water features, can help to create a contemplative atmosphere without breaking the bank.

Furthermore, community involvement can be a crucial factor in keeping costs down. By involving community members in the design process and encouraging volunteerism in the construction and maintenance of the space, costs can be significantly reduced. This can also help to build a sense of community ownership and investment in the space, leading to long-term sustainability.

Overall, while there may be some costs associated with implementing contemplative landscapes into a city or neighborhood, the use of natural materials and low-impact design elements, as well as community involvement, can help to keep costs down and make the project more feasible for a wider range of communities.


Presentation at the International Conference for Environment and Human Health | HK

18 of August 2022
10:40 AM Hong Kong Time (GMT+8)

Dr Agnieszka Olszewska-Guizzo to present "Neuroscience for Designing Urban Green Spaces: Contemplative Landscape Exposure for Mental Health"

at the  International Conference for Environment and Human Health hosted by Research Centre for Environment and Human Health in Hong Kong.


Designing & Using School Grounds to Support Mental Health (Video Available!)

The video from the webinar is already available on! The webinar organized by the International School Grounds Alliance and the Children &Nature Network on how school grounds can be designed and used to support took place on June 23rd 2020, and featured research and design insights on how to design mentally healthy outdoor spaces for children.

Everyone interested in design for children will find a lot of inspiration in this video, in other words it's a must-see! We are very proud and grateful that NeuroLandscape could be a part of this insightful panel!

The program featured:

  1. an introduction to the ISGA activity by Kerry Logan;
  2. showcasing international best-practice examples, by Kathrin Schmiele;
  3. research and design lessons from neuroscience by Dr Agnieszka Olszewska-Guizzo;
  4. strategies for the design of schoolyards for students Claire Latané.

Related post

with logos

Designing School Grounds to Support Children’s Mental Health: Examples from Around the World

24th June 2020
9:00 AM Singapore Standard Time.

Daily contact with nature is vital for supporting the mental health and well-being of children and young people. Join the International School Grounds Alliance and the Children & Nature Network for this webinar that will focus on how school grounds can be designed and used to support mental health.

The content will cover an introduction by Jaime Zaplatosch; and the work of ISGA by Kerry Logan; I will emphasize the importance of the topic and present a video showcasing international best-practice examples, followed by a presentation on the lessons from the neuroscience research by NeuroLandscape President Dr. Agnieszka Olszewska-Guizzo , finalized by a presentation on design strategies that reduce stress and anxiety and boost mental health and community by Claire Latané.

At the end we will have a Q&A session and an exciting DRAW together exercise!

For those who cannot attend at this time, the webinar will be recorded and share through the NeuroLandscape Youtube Channel.

Register for free here!

Our Brain On Perspectives by IMAGINE CITIES | 23rd June 2020

23 June,  6PM MST

In Yuval Harari’s book Home Deus, he states that the greatest leaps in human progress were not simply the result of individual acts. Instead, the greatest leaps have been the result of our ability as a species to cooperate in large numbers.

Join us for an insightful conversation about how breakthroughs in neuroscience have led us to better understand how the brain functions when we’re faced with perspectives that are different from our own. By understanding how our brain works we can better understand each other, improve our ability to work together, and more effectively solve humanity’s most pressing urban challenges.

Special Guests

Agnieszka Olszewska-Guizzo is the Founder & President of NeuroLandscape, a non-profit dedicated to improving mental health and wealth-being through green space design. With a Ph.D. from the University of Porto in Landscape Architecture and Urban Ecology, alongside experience developing numerous research projects worldwide, Agnieszka possesses a unique understanding of how urban design impacts the human brain.

Maria Escobar-Bordyn is the Vice President of Creating WE, an organization that coaches CEO's on the importance of conversations in shaping corporate culture and achieving goals. After spending her early career on HR teams in two Fortune 100 companies, Maria spent 12 years at a global human performance consulting firm where she coached hundreds of hundreds of executives. She has a degree in Social Ecology with a concentration in human behaviour from the University of California, Irvine.

Mitchell Reardon is the Lead for Urban Planning, Design & Experiments at Happy City. Happy City is an interdisciplinary urban planning and design consultancy that uses the science of wellbeing to create healthier, happier and more inclusive communities. Mitchell is also the co-founder of Metropolitan Collective, a group of tactical urbanists who transform unloved and overlooked spaces. He received his Masters of Science in Urban and Regional Planning at Stockholm University and his insights have been heard on CBC News, StarMetro, CBC Radio and more.

Link to registration page


Take part in our survey and support research and development in the times of pandemic

The current global outbreak of #COVID19 makes the problem of our living space and mental health more relevant than ever. Read more in our recent blog post.  This is why we need new solutions and new approaches.

Please complete this 5-min, anonymous survey. If possible, share it with your family and friends, with special attention to elderly people, who (that’s our guess) could benefit from our solutions the most.

The form is available in 5 languages:

1) English – https://forms.gle/SDfC3reh21pXdWw79

2) Polish – https://forms.gle/5jkfNLn7vrsVRKLW9

3) Italian – https://forms.gle/DMPEYNVtKXFLQ1367

4) Spanish – https://forms.gle/3iUCWRZMJ4HhUYWp6

5) French –https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSchCH4Wzs4Y7eVtHHtsB0SrIbs23-I2mgvIz0vmGjQCsgYzQg/viewform

We envision to share the results from this survey on our website soon, in the form of a comprehensive report.

Stay tuned. Stay healthy. Stay sane.