NeuroLandscape a part of GreenME – the Horizon EU Funded Project!

NeuroLandscape is delighted to announce its participation in the consortium selected for the prestigious Horizon Europe GreenME project  with a budget of nearly 6M euro.

This collaboration presents an exciting opportunity to advance our mission of integrating nature-based solutions into urban environments for enhanced well-being and sustainable living. Led by Universita Autonoma de Barcelona, the GreenME consortium aims to revolutionize greencare and urban planning practices across Europe. NeuroLandscape's involvement in this groundbreaking initiative will commence on September 1st, 2023, as we eagerly anticipate the positive impact we can collectively make on the health and well-being of urban dwellers.


GreenME stands for "Advancing GReenCare in Europe: an integrated multi-scalar approach for the Expansion of Nature-based therapies to improve Mental health Equity" 

This project is an ambitious endeavor that seeks to advance greencare practices across Europe through an integrated, multi-scalar approach. It has received significant recognition and funding through the prestigious Horizon Europe program. This collaborative project brings together leading researchers, policymakers, and practitioners in the field of nature-based solutions to address pressing urban challenges and create healthier, more sustainable cities.

NeuroLandscape's Involvement in the Consortium

NeuroLandscape's inclusion in the GreenME consortium is a testament to our expertise and commitment to promoting the benefits of nature in urban environments. As a key partner in the consortium, NeuroLandscape will contribute valuable insights and practical experience gained from our extensive research in the quality of urban greening and mental health promotion through the nature connection. Our participation aims to leverage wide international network of contacts, insights from evidence-based design, environmental psychology, and the impact of nature on human health and well-being to support the project's success.

Through collaboration with partners across Europe, NeuroLandscape will actively contribute to the development of innovative approaches and solutions that integrate nature into urban settings. Our goal is to foster positive impacts on mental health, physical well-being, and social cohesion through evidence-based design and strategic implementation of nature-based interventions.

The GreenME Project's Objectives

The GreenME project encompasses a broad range of objectives, each focusing on different aspects of greencare implementation at various scales. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge exchange, the project aims to:

  1. Investigate the benefits of nature-based interventions on human health and well-being.
  2. Develop evidence-based design guidelines for creating nature-rich urban environments.
  3. Enhance the role of urban green spaces in mitigating climate change and promoting sustainability.
  4. Establish a European-wide network to facilitate the exchange of best practices and expertise.
  5. Provide policymakers with comprehensive recommendations for integrating greencare strategies into urban planning frameworks.

Expected Outcomes and Impact

Through the GreenME project, NeuroLandscape and its consortium partners strive to achieve transformative outcomes that will positively impact cities and their inhabitants across Europe. By implementing nature-based solutions and greencare strategies, we envision:

  1. Improved mental and physical health outcomes for urban dwellers.
  2. Enhanced ecological resilience and biodiversity in urban environments.
  3. Increased social cohesion and community engagement through nature-based interventions.
  4. Strengthened policy frameworks that prioritize the integration of nature in urban planning for mental health and well-being.
  5. Sustainable urban development that prioritizes the well-being of both people and the planet.

NeuroLandscape's participation in the GreenME project represents an exciting opportunity to contribute to the advancement of greencare practices in Europe. By four years long collaboration with leading experts, policymakers, and practitioners, we aim to integrate evidence-based research and practical knowledge to create nature-rich urban environments that promote well-being and sustainability.

With the project set to begin on September 1st, 2023, we are poised to embark on this transformative journey. We are confident that the GreenME project will have a profound and lasting impact on the way we approach urban planning and the integration of nature in day-to-day urban living.

2 thoughts on “NeuroLandscape a part of GreenME – the Horizon EU Funded Project!

  1. We are ESPA – the EU Federation of the 1400 Medical revalidation Spas in Europe. Prescribed treatments are paid back by the national health care system / ministries of health (we have long term contract-obligations).
    One of our specialties is treating syndrome patients and we now get the bulk of the 10% of the EU population with LongCovidSyndrome. The EU LongCovid program had a breakthrough: 85% of these patients suffer from reactivation of herpes & enteroviruses, reactivated by covid19 virus, all destroying neurons in the body and brain – which explains these +200 LongCovid Symptoms.
    There is no pill going to regrow those neurons. Patients have to give their body time – about 3 weeks – and specific ergo therapies & gut-brain link restoration – healthy specific food to regrow those neurons and then they can be passed on to physiotherapy and in about a year they will be back to 90%.
    Most our Medical Spas are very NEBauhaus and have 2 revenue streams:
    1. What if a Medical Spa resort would be so beautifully built and integrated in nature/the regional area, that during holiday season people want to come there for #RegenerativeTourism #TransformativeTourism #WellBeingRetreats?
    2. What if Holiday resorts would be built in such a smart way, that during off-season and during the week, they convert into Medical Spa Revalidation centers for treating patients?
    That is Medical Spas. We are often used to “capture” in 1 photo the EU Green Deal, EU Rural Development, EuOneHealth, NEBauhaus, etc.
    We have our own universities, researchers, on site we always have a medical doctor, ergo-physio-kiné-therapists, nutritionist+passionate cook who understand the importance of food and the disease/condition the patient is recovering from (chemotherapy, syndrome disease, transplants, …).
    Can we collaborate?
    Sven AERTS – ESPA Brussels – Biochemical Engineer – Cognitive Sciences – Neurosciences

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