Building Back Differently: The Role of CLM in Public Health Promotion through Nature-based Solutions

“The future of humanity is undoubtedly urban,” warns the UN-Habitat in their World Cities Report (2022), urging public health policies to address the growing health risks associated with urban expansion. Urban environments — characterized by traffic, pollution, noise, and overcrowding — not only create fertile ground for physical health issues but also place a significant burden on the mental health of their citizens (Olszewska-Guizzo et al., 2023). Neuropsychiatric diseases now account for 19.5% of all disability-adjusted life years  (DALYs), while depression is responsible for 6.2% of DALYs (World Health Organization, n.d.). These mental health challenges deteriorate citizens’ quality of life and generate serious economic losses for the state.

Figure 1: Population living in urbanized areas in 1990, 2014, and 2050 by continent and worldwide, UN, 2018 (https://www.esa.un.org/ unpd/wup)

Governments are increasingly recognizing the urgent need for interdisciplinary, evidence-based solutions to address this mental health crisis (Gruebner et al., 2017). A growing body of research highlights the restorative effects that contact with nature has on human health (Olszewska-Guizzo, Sia, & Escoffier, 2023). These effects include reducing stress and fatigue, triggering positive emotions, and improving cognitive functions such as concentration, memory, and creative performance (WHO, 2021).

Nature-based Solutions (NBS) are emerging as effective and cost-efficient strategies for addressing the growing mental health challenges in urban environments. The IUCN defines NBSs as actions to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural or human-modified ecosystems, offering benefits for both environmental preservation and human well-being. Adopting NBSs to confront human health challenges arising from unhealthy environments aligns with the One Health approach (WHO) — which recognizes the interdependence of animal, ecosystem, and human health — and the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. NBSs have been well-documented to support people’s emotional, mental, and physical health by adopting a holistic approach to prevention, promotion, rehabilitation, and therapy.

Figure 2: "Envisaging the Future of Cities," World Cities Report 2022 (https://unhabitat.org/sites/default/files/2022/06/wcr_2022.pdf)

Not Just Green

Often there is limited space available in cities for green areas, so it is important to optimize the design and use of the available green spaces (Olszewska-Guizzo, Sia, Fogel, et al., 2022). Urban planners, landscape architects, and conservation experts need to understand which types and characteristics of urban green spaces (UGS) most effectively benefit citizens’ mental health. This challenge inspired the development of the Contemplative Landscape Model (CLM) in 2016. The CLM measures how different landscape scenes can positively influence mental health through passive exposure. It focuses on landscape components that, when combined, trigger low-frequency brain activity associated with decreased cognitive strain, increased relaxation, and positive affect, as well as positive effects on mood and anxiety disorders(Olszewska-Guizzo, Sia, Escoffier, 2023).

The CLM evaluates landscape scenes based on seven key-components, each of which is rated using a 1–6-point scale. The final CLM score, the average of the seven key-components, provides a comprehensive assessment of a landscape's potential to offer beneficial mental health outcomes. The CLM is increasingly being used by practitioners to bridge the gap between landscape design and evidence-based impacts on mental health. It is also helping policy-makers make informed decisions on how to effectively curate UGSs to improve the mental health of their communities.

Figure 3: Seven key-components of Contemplative Landscape Model (CLM).

The main advantages of using the CLM include:

  • Accessibility and Ease of Use: The tool can be easily learned following formal training and applied by urban design practitioners, landscape architects, and those with a keen eye for landscapes.
  • Accuracy: The final CLM score is an average from the seven key landscape components in a single view or at multiple sites across the area, which helps to eliminate human error.
  • Cost-effectiveness: The CLM requires minimal equipment. Evaluations can be conducted in a single site visit using tablets or just pen and paper.
  • Efficiency: CLM also works with digital representations of landscapes (photos or videos) to save time, making it ideal for practitioners needing to assess multiple sites.
  • Versatility: The CLM can be applied to a wide range of sites, including urban, suburban and rural spaces, making it a useful tool for diverse environments, and scales.
  • Dual-purpose: The CLM can be used as an evaluation/ audit tool for green spaces, but also as a set of design guidelines to develop new creative mentally-healthy environments.
Figure 4: CLM evaluations can be conducted using tablets.

Global Examples: Singapore

The CLM has received increasing attention among professionals and researchers worldwide and is slowly finding its place in nature-based health promotion policies. The first country to adopt the CLM in its urban greening initiatives was Singapore. The National Parks Board (NParks) recognized the value of the evidence-based approach early, as part of their City in Nature initiative, which aims to ensure that the available green spaces are designed optimally to maximize the well-being of citizens across a diverse demographic, from the elderly and hospital patients to children with special needs.

The research conducted in Singapore, in collaboration with NParks and the National University of Singapore, found that therapeutic gardens with contemplative features contribute positively to a person's mental health and overall well-being. They also concluded that there were positive neuro-psychophysiological benefits from passive exposure to a therapeutic garden for the mental health of individuals with clinically concerning depressive disorders (Olszewska-Guizzo et al., 2022; Olszewska-Guizzo, Sia, Fogel, Escoffier, & Dan, 2022).

Figure 5: Neuroscience research studies conducted in Singapore between 2018 and 2021


Singapore established the network of 13 therapeutic gardens scattered across the city-state, with plans for an additional 7 to be completed by 2030. Each garden is designed according to the contemplative landscape guidelines to encourage visitors to enjoy everyday contact with the salutogenic nature of the premises.

NParks’ efforts go beyond transforming parks and are slowly moving into the wider urban environment.  There is a growing number of public officers and professionals trained in use of CLM for landscape assessment and design (an example of a recent workshop). Their continued research into Nature-based Solutions integrating CLM aligns with Singapore’s healthcare transformation plan, Healthier SG, to promote preventive health strategies for the whole population. Singapore’s efforts are setting a powerful and inspiring example of how states can benefit from embracing Nature-based Solutions to create healthier communities while prioritizing evidence-based design of their available green spaces.

Global Examples: Sweden

Sweden is the second country to incorporate the Contemplative Landscape Model (CLM) into its national health policy as part of its Nature-based Rehabilitation (NBR) program.  Alos known as the Skåne-model, or Naturunderstödd Rehabilitering (NUR), it launched in 2013, and is the first of its kind in the Nordic region. NUR is currently active in the southern region of Skåne County, with plans to expand throughout the rest of the country.

The program is founded on extensive research from the Alnarp Rehabilitation Garden, run by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) (Grahn & Pálsdóttir, 2021). It emphasizes the role of nature in aiding patients to recover from stress-related mental illnesses, specifically exhaustion syndrome, mild to moderate depression, and anxiety (Grahn, Pálsdóttir, Ottosson, & Jonsdottir, 2017). The program takes eight weeks and is run at selected rural properties across Skåne Region (Wissler & Pálsdóttir, 2024).

Figure 6. One of the NBR providers' rural property.

The NBR program supports the rural development goals by employing trained coordinators to deliver the nature-based interventions and services of the program on their premises. These interventions are designed with the following core objectives in mind:

1) Rehabilitation Focus: Aims to support the standard of care to improve physical, mental, and social health through nature-supported activities.

2) Nature-Infused “Awake Rest:” Focuses on relaxation and recovery in a peaceful, undemanding natural environment that promotes mental rejuvenation.

3) Integration of Meaningful Activities: Encourages daily tasks in natural settings, offering participants purposeful engagements that align with the day-to-day operations of the NBR provider.

NBR requires from providers to maintain the quality standards set by the program. These include both the day activities to be offered to the patients and the quality and design of the property's natural environment. The CLM has been introduced to the program as a tool of evaluation for the property's landscape and to provide a systematic approach to develop quality standards comparable between the properties.

Figure 7: CLM on-site evaluations of NBR providers.

In the summer of 2024, six of the eight current NBR providers’ properties in the Skåne region were evaluated by independent experts using the Contemplative Landscape Model (CLM). This was the first time the CLM was conducted on rural properties. Previously, the CLM was used almost exclusively on urban environments. For this evaluation, an average of 12 to 23 landscape views per rural property was scored based on site maps, and the average score was computed for each location. This evaluation was carried out in preparation for the fourth procurement phase of the NUR program. The satisfactory performance of the CLM in this new context demonstrates its versatility and reliability, further supporting Sweden's ongoing commitment to integrating Nature-Based Solutions into public health policy. Sweden is the first country in Europe to adopt the Contemplative Landscape Model (CLM) as part of its national health policy.  The adoption reflects their commitment to innovative approaches, including evidence-based initiatives such as the Alnarp Rehabilitation Garden and therapeutic gardens for dementia patients(Pálsdóttir, Wissler, & Thorpert, 2024; Pálsdóttir, O'Brien, Poulsen, & Dolling, 2021), and highlights the country's leadership in promoting preventive health strategies through nature. Sweden's efforts are setting a model example for other European nations to follow in creating healthier, more resilient communities.

Final Thoughts

The path to sustainable (positive) urban futures requires “collaborative, well-coordinated and effective multilateral interventions” by cities and sub-national governments. The health and well-being of citizens are classified as a top priority by the WHO to build resilient cities.  Cities must understand that it is no longer enough to “[build] back better” to meet the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development the New Urban Agenda. It is time to “[build] back differently.

Improving citizens’ access to mental health programs and developing holistic strategies to address mental illness remains a key concern worldwide. Without transformative action, mental health problems will “contribute to human suffering, premature mortality, and social breakdown, and will slow down economic recovery.” Improving the mental health of communities is essential not only for enhancing the quality of life of individuals but also for the continued economic and social development of states.

Recognizing the health-promoting value of landscapes, by integration of the Contemplative Landscape Model (CLM) by countries like Singapore and Sweden highlights its potential as a vital tool in integrating Nature-Based Solutions into national public health policies. It is, therefore, crucial to continue educating governments and decision-makers across the globe on the impact of evidence-based landscape design on public health. Through continued collaboration, research, and innovation, the CLM can become a foundational tool for preventive health strategies, helping to promote healthier, happier, and more resilient communities across the globe.

Reference List

Grahn, P., & Pálsdóttir, A.-M. (2021). Does more time in a therapeutic garden lead to a faster return to work? A prospective cohort study of nature-based therapy, exploring the relationship between dose and response in the rehabilitation of long-term patients suffering from stress-related mental illness. International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 9, 1000614. https://doi.org/10.4172/2329-9096.1000614

Grahn, P., Pálsdóttir, A.-M., Ottosson, J., & Jonsdottir, I. (2017). Longer nature-based rehabilitation may contribute to a faster return to work in patients with reactions to severe stress and/or depression. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(11), 1310. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph14111310

International Union for Conservation of Nature. (n.d.). Nature-based solutions. https://iucn.org/our-work/nature-based-solutions

National Parks Board. (n.d.). City in nature. https://www.nparks.gov.sg/about-us/city-in-nature

Olszewska-Guizzo, A., Fogel, A., Escoffier, N., Sia, A., Nakazawa, K., Kumagai, A., Dan, I., & Ho, R. (2022). Therapeutic garden with contemplative features induces desirable changes in mood and brain activity in depressed adults. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2022.757056

Olszewska-Guizzo, A., Russo, A., Roberts, A. C., Kühn, S., Marques, B., Tawil, N., & Ho, R. C. (2023). Editorial: Cities and mental health. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, 1263305. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1263305

Olszewska-Guizzo, A., Sia, A., Fogel, A., Escoffier, N., & Dan, I. (2022). Features of urban green spaces associated with positive emotions, mindfulness, and relaxation. Scientific Reports, 12, 20695. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-24637-0

Olszewska-Guizzo, A., Sia, A., & Escoffier, N. (2023). Revised contemplative landscape model (CLM): A reliable and valid evaluation tool for mental health-promoting urban green spaces. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 86, 128016. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ufug.2023.128016

Pálsdóttir, A.-M., O'Brien, L., Poulsen, D., & Dolling, A. (2021). Exploring migrants’ sense of belonging through participation in an urban agricultural vocational training program in Sweden. Journal of Therapeutic Horticulture, 31(1), 11.

Pálsdóttir, A. M., Wissler, S. K., & Thorpert, P. (2024). An innovative approach in research and development of clinical nature-based rehabilitation in health care and vocational training: The living laboratory, Alnarp rehabilitation garden. Landscape Architecture, 31(5), 116-123. https://doi.org/10.3724/j.fjyl.202404020196

Region Skåne. (n.d.). Naturunderstödd rehabilitering. https://vardgivare.skane.se/vardriktlinjer/forsakringsmedicin/naturunderstodd-rehabilitering/

UN-Habitat. (2022). World cities report 2022: Envisaging the future of cities. United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat). https://unhabitat.org/sites/default/files/2022/06/wcr_2022.pdf

United Nations. (n.d.). The 2030 agenda for sustainable development. https://sdgs.un.org/2030agenda

Wissler, S. K., & Pálsdóttir, A. M. (2024). A quality assurance framework for outdoor environments, facilities, and program standards in nature-based rehabilitation. Landscape Architecture, 31(5), 91-102. https://doi.org/10.3724/j.fjyl.202312140567

World Health Organization. (2021). Mental health promotion and mental disorders prevention: Framework for a comprehensive mental health strategy in Europe. WHO Regional Office for Europe. https://www.who.int/europe/publications/i/item/9789289055666

World Health Organization. (n.d.). Global health estimates: Leading causes of DALYs. https://www.who.int/data/gho/data/themes/mortality-and-global-health-estimates/global-health-estimates-leading-causes-of-dalys

World Health Organization. (n.d.). One Health. https://www.who.int/health-topics/one-health#tab=tab_1

Team Photo 2

GreenInCities Kick-Off Meeting: NeuroLandscape in Barcelona

  • Day 1: Introduction to GreenInCities and Nature-based Solutions

NeuroLandscape was proud to participate in the Kick-Off meeting of the project Demonstrating Holistic Data-driven Co-Creative Approaches in Nature-based solutions towards Climate Adaptation and Mitigation (GreenInCities) (Project ID: 101139730) in Barcelona, Spain. This groundbreaking EU-funded project GreenInCities, brings together experts to revitalize disadvantaged neighborhoods and fight climate change. Their weapon of choice? Nature-based solutions (NbS) for urban regeneration (European Commission, 2023).

Day 1: El Besòs Takes Center Stage (GreenInCities Pilot Area)

El Besòs, a Barcelona district, was chosen as a GreenInCities’ pilot cities. The morning began with a warm welcome by the local leaders, including Mayor Filo Cañete. With much enthusiasm, they discussed their shared objective of achieving climate neutrality by 2030, echoing the ambitious goal set by the Barcelona City Council.

GreenInCities’ core values connected deeply with their mission, particularly:

  • Inclusive Development: Bringing disadvantaged communities into the fold as active participants in shaping their green future.
  • Environmental Stewardship: Recognizing the inherent value of ecosystems and actively promoting the value of biodiversity in cities, through its contribution to human health.
  • Tech-Powered Transformation: Leveraging cutting-edge approaches like neurourbanism and mental health digital twins to guide urban renewal.

In the afternoon, we explored El Besòs further. We toured Parc del Fòrum and the charming La Catalana neighborhood alongside Francesc Romero Siles of Consorci del Besòs, who was our guide. He pointed areas of interest targeted for regeneration, such as the beach and the natural landscape. Later,  LAND hosted a workshop that used an animal-centric approach to connect participants with local flora and fauna. In this way, we explored the importance of shared responsibility for the local ecosystem’s well-being. The day ended with a visit to the inspiring Nau de Turbines, a former power plant undergoing transformation into a vibrant cultural hub.

Day 2: Fostering Collaboration and Innovation at Valldaura Labs

Valldaura Labs, nestled amidst the beautiful green landscape of Barcelona’s Collserola Natural Park, provided a peaceful setting for Day Two. The day was filled with interactive workshops and engaging discussions among our GreenInCities team. We shared our knowledge and found new ways of working together. One workshop, led by Linköping University and Universidade do Porto, had us explore potential connection between representatives from “leader” and “follower” pilot cities. Another session focused on exploring the perspectives of diverse stakeholders in making impactful decisions that affects both citizens and the environment. The highlight of the day was a visit to the #FabLab, a treasure of innovative sustainable urban design solutions. The award-winning TOVA greenhouse stood out as a testament to the power of sustainable design principles.

Day 3: Building Partnerships and Charting the Course Forward

The final day’s activities were held at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) Atelier in Poblenou. During the City Twinning Workshop, the consortium made the final decisions on the pairing of the “follower” cities with their “front-runner” counterparts. These included:

  • Birštonas will twin with Nova Gorica and Barcelona
  • Matosinhos will twin with Prato and Nova Gorica
  • Cork will twin with Helsinki and Athens
  • Pécs will twin with Helsinki and Barcelona
  • Reykjavik will twin with Nova Gorica, Prato and Athens

NeuroLandscape: Measuring the Impact of Green Cities

While GreenInCities prioritizes aesthetics and environmental benefits, it is crucial not to forget the impact of green environments on human well-being. This is where NeuroLandscape comes in. On Day 3, we presented Muse2, a portable neuroimaging device. This EEG technology allows us to assess, in real time, the impact of environmental changes on user well-being.

GreenInCities has officially begun its journey. NeuroLandscape is excited to be part of the team to measure the positive impact of Nature-based solutions on European citizens.

Stay tuned for updates on more GreenInCities news!

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Nature, mental health, and equity. Highlights from the kick-off meeting of the GreenME project

The GreenME project will study how exposure to nature can be integrated in healthcare systems to treat and improve mental health for all.

It officially launched its ambitious initiative at the Kick-off meeting held in Barcelona from January 29th to 31st, 2024. Hosted by the Open University of Catalunya (UOC) and
coordinated by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), the event brought together over 60 consortium members, including the esteemed Advisory Board members, the European Commission’s
project officer Patrizia Tenerelli, and researchers from sister projects (RESONATE and NATURELAB).

During this three-day event, participants had the opportunity to get to know each other and the passion that drives them, while visualising the unique contributions they will make to the project over the next
four years.

Researchers, therapy providers, and municipalities representatives worked together to address the challenges of the project via an insightful collective hands-on exercise, listing burning questions and
providing answers leading to a half-day exchange to identify ways forward. In between sessions, the participants recharged their minds and bodies with walks in nearby parks, mindfulness exercises, and a mandala-making outdoor activity, concretely experiencing how nature benefits mental health. Fun activities engaged the lively consortium; participants were asked to find clever solutions to build Kapla structures using just one finger or to tell their stories through a photographic language exercise!

This Kick-off meeting saw the robust collaboration and exchange of ideas with sister projects RESONATE and NatureLAB, operating under the overarching theme of mental health, nature, and sustainability. The anticipated collaboration is poised to drive forward pioneering research and foster transformative outcomes within the realm of nature-health interactions. Moreover, the Research Synergies workshop held during the Kick-off meeting facilitated dynamic exchanges with researchers from other scientific projects, including BlueHealth, GoGreenRoutes, Dr. FOREST, and PHENOTYPE. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, GreenME aims to accelerate progress towards building just resilient and sustainable healthy communities.

A core tenet of the GreenME initiative is the empowerment of green care actors and stakeholders. Recognizing the pivotal role of community involvement in shaping sustainable healthcare solutions, GreenME is committed to actively engaging with and empowering stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle. By fostering partnerships and amplifying the voices of green care advocates, GreenME seeks to cultivate a more inclusive and impactful approach to mental health and well-being. As GreenME embarks on this transformative journey, the consortium is poised to drive forward cutting-edge research, innovation, and collaboration to advance the understanding and integration of nature-based interventions in mental healthcare.

The GreenME Consortium:

In a trans-disciplinary partnership, GreenME involves six European countries, together with the UK
and theUS. GreenME is led by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB – Barcelona, Spain) and
the GreenME consortium is composed of:

  1. University of Bologna (Bologna, Italy),
  2. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet - Uppsala, Sweden),
  3. ILS Research (Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development - Dortmund, Germany),
  4. Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW – Warsaw, Poland),
  5. Open University of Barcelona (UOC – Barcelona, Spain),
  6. Old-Continent (Brussels, Belgium),
  7. NeuroLandscape Foundation (Warsaw, Poland),
  8. Gesellschaft für Gartenbau und Therapie (GGuT – Hückeswagen, Germany),
  9. Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology (IPIN – Warsaw, Poland),
  10. Scandinavian Nature and Forest Therapy Institute & SHINRIN-YOKU (Stockholm, Sweden),
  11. Eta Beta Cooperativa Sociale (Bologna, Italy),
  12. City of Herne (Herne,Germany),
  13. Spanish Association of Horticulture and Social and TherapeuticGardening (AEHJST – Madrid, Spain),
  14. University of Kent (Kent, UK),
  15. University of Salford (Salford, UK),
  16. Social Farms and Gardens (Bristol, UK) and
  17. Mind in Bexley and East Kent LTD (London, UK),
  18. The US partner is Oregon Health & Science University Portland State University School of Public Health (OHSU-PSU — Portland, Oregon).

The project will last 4 years and is funded by the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme of the European Union.

For more information about GreenME and its initiatives, please visit https://greenme-project.eu


Launch of GreenME project – Press Release

Press release 01 GreenME  

September 2023 

Launch of the GreenME project; redefining mental health equity through nature-based therapies 

Barcelona, 14.09.2023 – The GreenME project has officially launched its mission to redefine mental healthcare through nature-based therapies. The project, which commenced in September 2023 and is set to run until August 2027, is poised to revolutionize mental health equity understanding and practices across Europe. With partners in Spain, Italy, the UK, Poland, Sweden, Germany and Belgium, it has a budget of almost EUR 6 million. 

GreenME, an acronym for “GreenME: Advancing Greencare in Europe: An Integrated Multi-Scalar Approach for the Expansion of Nature-Based Therapies to Improve Mental Health Equity,” is a collaborative effort involving 19 partners from seven countries. These countries include Spain, Italy, the UK, Poland, Belgium, Sweden, and Germany, bringing together a diverse consortium of academic and non-academic organizations. This powerful coalition will harness its collective expertise to address the pivotal intersection of mental health equity and environmental sustainability. 

“We are immensely honored to have been chosen by the EU to lead this ambitious project,” commented Margarita Triguero-Mas, Project scientific co-Coordinator at GreenME. “Our project will advance our understanding of the intricate relationship between various levels of green care and mental health equity, all while facilitating the translation of this knowledge into actionable policies.” 

Central to GreenME’s mission is an exploration of how nature-based therapies can be integrated to nature-health promotion and nature-in-everyday-life to enhance mental health outcomes and reduce inequities. The project takes a comprehensive multi-scalar approach to examine the intricate interplay between mental health, the environment, and societal factors. 

GreenME comprises seven distinct Work Packages, encompassing a wide range of research and implementation activities. These include -among others – assessing the effectiveness of green care interventions and advocating for policies that promote mental health equity and environmental sustainability. With an equal distribution of academic and non-academic partners, GreenME stands prepared to address this challenge from a multitude of perspectives, merging rigorous research with community-driven practical solutions. 

Our hybrid consortium, equally composed of academics and non-academic partners, is both a significant strength and a unique challenge of our project,” Triguero-Mas added. “Yet, we embrace GreenME with enthusiasm, striving for our project to play a pivotal role in shaping just, climate-resilient, and sustainable healthy communities. 

As GreenME embarks on this ambitious journey, it carries the promise of reshaping our understanding of how contact with nature benefit our health, ensuring equitable access to nature-based therapies, and championing the cause of a healthier planet for all.  

In a trans-disciplinary partnership, GreenME involves six European countries, together with the UK. GreenME is led by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB – Barcelona, Spain) and the GreenME consortium is composed by University of Bologna (Bologna, Italy), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet – Uppsala, Sweden), ILS Research (Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development – Dortmund, Germany), Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW – Warsaw, Poland), Open University of Barcelona (UOC – Barcelona, Spain), Old-Continent (Brussels, Belgium), NeuroLandscape Foundation (Warsaw, Poland), Gesellschaft für Gartenbau und Therapie (GGuT – Hückeswagen, Germany), Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology (IPIN – Warsaw, Poland), Scandinavian Nature and Forest Therapy Institute & SHINRIN-YOKU (Stockholm, Sweden), Eta Beta Cooperativa Sociale (Bologna, Italy), City of Herne (Herne, Germany), Spanish Association of Horticulture and Social and Therapeutic Gardening (AEHJST – Madrid, Spain), University of Kent (Kent, UK), University of Salford (Salford, UK), Social Farms and Gardens (Bristol, UK) and Mind in Bexley and East Kent LTD (London, UK). 

The project will last 4 years and is funded by the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme of the European Union. 

Stay tuned for updates on GreenME’s progress and its transformative impact on mental health equity and environmental well-being. The project’s website and social media will be launched in the coming months. 

For media inquiries, please contact: 

Marta Cayetano Giralt (Project manager)  


Antonella Crichigno (media)  
