The video from the webinar is already available on! The webinar organized by the International School Grounds Alliance and the Children &Nature Network on how school grounds can be designed and used to support took place on June 23rd 2020, and featured research and design insights on how to design mentally healthy outdoor spaces for Read More
Category: Neurolandscape
Designing School Grounds to Support Children’s Mental Health: Examples from Around the World
24th June 2020 9:00 AM Singapore Standard Time. Daily contact with nature is vital for supporting the mental health and well-being of children and young people. Join the International School Grounds Alliance and the Children & Nature Network for this webinar that will focus on how school grounds can be designed and used to support Read More
Mental Health is also important – something about the connection with nature in the times of confinement
Landscape architects and urban ecology researchers have always been trying to bring people more to the outdoors, make the most of urban parks and gardens, calling the public attention to issues such as nature deficit disorder, mental health consequences from spending our time mostly indoors, looking at phones or monitors… Today, the situation is calling Read More
Connecting Social and Urban Studies with Health and Well-being of Communities – Speech at the National University of Colombia in Manizales
On January 29th 2020 NeuroLandscape’s Board Member Dr. Diana Benjumea was invited to give a talk in the Universidad Nacional de Colombia to the staff and students of the Department of Architecture and Built Environment in the city of Manizales. The talk aimed to share the multidisciplinary work that is conducted in NeuroLandscape with special Read More
Blue space and mental health report out for review!
As a contributor to Expert Working Group Biodiversity & Health of the 3rd French Plan on Health and Environment (PNSE3) – Ministry in charge of the Environment (MTES) France, since 2017 we have been working to answer the following question: Which types and components of urban and peri-urban blue/green spaces have a significant impact on human mental Read More
Pre-Conference Workshop, Urban Health, Xiamen, China
Date& Time: 5.11.2019, 9am Location: School of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SACE 5), Xiamen University, #182 Da Xue Road, Xiamen, China With the growing interest among researchers, practitioners, and urban decision makers in the influence of the quality of the built environment on peoples’ health, there is increasing emphasis on using scientific knowledge to inform urban design, Read More
Where Government Listens to Scientists: Urban Sustainability R&D Congress, Singapore
Singapore is one of the most prominent examples of Urban Sustainability through new technologies, research and development. It is also one of the few countries where the government is actively supporting science and innovation in order to inform the practice of urban design and solve urban living issues. The Urban Sustainability R&D Congress is organized Read More
Heidi’s Syndrome or Nature-Deficit Disorder
Heidi’s Syndrome is known also as ‘nature-deficit disorder’; a term coined by an American author and activist Richard Louv to describe “the psychological, physical and cognitive costs of human alienation from nature, particularly for children in their vulnerable developing years.” While it is not a formal diagnosis, it reflects a medical jargon that is weaving Read More
Neuromyths in education
If you’ve ever played the Chinese whispers game, you know it that the original message gets distorted by the time it reaches the final player with often hilarious effects. However, when it comes to research and neuroscience, the result of passing on information through various persons may not be as funny and innocent as an Read More
Book review of “Shinrin-yoku” by Qing Li
It’s time to review a book that you might gladly keep on the bookshelf as a reminder of the important lesson it teaches about the magic of trees – the hardback edition of “Shinrin-yoku. The Art and Science of Forest-Bathing” written by the very man who could be considered the founding father of the movement, Read More