The lovely video about Park Prescriptions program in USA. Such programs are emerging also in other countries like in UK and Singapore.

The lovely video about Park Prescriptions program in USA. Such programs are emerging also in other countries like in UK and Singapore.
The Contemplative Landscape Model (CLM) was developed by our scientists to measure and define the subjectivity in landscape aesthetics. Utilizing 7 categories to rank any given landscape view. What’s considered as aesthetic is often instinctual, yet what makes it so often overlooked. Take a look outside and you’ll see how easy it is for the CLM Read More
“Assessing Relevant Knowledge Related to the Types and Characteristics of Urban Green & Blue Spaces Having a Significant Impact on Human Mental health and Well-being” to be presented at Healthy landscapes | UNISCAPE International Conference in Bologna (6-8 June) by Eklipse: Knowledge and Learning Mechanism on BiodiversityWhile participating in the Eklipse project we are looking Read More
Many overlaps with what we’re doing here at NeuroLandscape: EEG, nature, mental health, Frederick Law Olmsted, Singapore.”When we spend time in green space, there is something profound going on.”
From December until now has been a real marathon: 2 workshops, 8 European partners, 150 pages, dozens of meetings (real and online), tons of work and research done…whew!Before all thought and reflections from this time fade away, I wanted to share some of the experiences here, as a guide for those eyeing the possibility of Read More
“By 2050, about three-quarters of the world’s population will live in cities.”All the more reason to investigate the importance of green spaces in urban areas to help keep these future inhabitants as healthy as possible.”To keep cities green is the challenge of future cities.”And we are prepared to contribute to this challenge!
GRAPHIC BY GIUSEPPINA ASCIONEWe’re working towards taking care of outdoor spaces. Good to see others on the same track with indoor spaces. We can’t spend all our time outdoors after all…or can we? ^_^We also appreciate how mindfulness can be summed up in the form of a tree. Extra points!
More great news from the Universities of Oxford and Hong Kong!
Would you like to work in a place like this?Amazon has unveiled its newest workplace that’s all about the biophilia. The structure calls to mind the domed gardens at Gardens by the Bay in Singapore, but this is a place for brainstorming and meetings instead of tourism.“We need to overcome this sense that you should Read More
Scotland gets the importance of green space for health.Their National Health Service has teamed up with the Forestry Commission Scotland and Scottish Natural Heritage Heritage to create the NHS Greenspace Demonstration Project to ensure the inclusion of green space at health facilities around the country. They’ve even gone a step further with the Green Exercise Read More