Floriade Challenge 🌿‘The Green Escape’

Floriade Challenge 🌿‘The Green Escape’🌿 took place at Aeres Hogeschool Almere and Floriade Expo 2022.

25 young professionals accepted the challenge of  and the Gemeente Almere to develop an innovative concept for greening an important 🏃🏻 slow-traffic route 🚴🏻 in the centre of Almere.

May 20th:

Location:            Floriade

MASTERCLASS: 14.45-16.00 u

14.15-14.45        IT check

14.30-14.45       Online walk-in

14.45-14.47       Welcome & practicalities

14.47-14.55       A few questions to check in + get invested in the lecture topic

14.55-15.15       Lecture Dr Dinand Ekkel: "Urban Green Development: Why?"

15.15-15.25       Q&A

15.25-15.45       Lecture Dr Agnieszka Olszewska-Guizzo : "Neuroscience-Based Design for Mentally-Healthy, Green Cities"

15.45-16.00      Q&A + roundoff plenary part

16.00-16.15        End of plenary part & break

 To read more about the presentations, have a look here

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