
Beyond Architecture: New Intersections and Connections Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2014

The research on “Urban Planning, Neuroscience and Contemplation for improving well-being in our cities” was presented on the conference, and published in the Architectural Research Centers Consortium Journal.

 Multidisciplinary conferences, joining the design and architecture with multiple disciplines, including art and rigorous science aren’t very frequent. This special event was held at the beautifully located University of Honolulu, Hawaii, and attracted many interesting scientists from around the world.

In the paper presentation we described the outcomes of the pilot experiment, that served as a proof of concept that these kind of studies are feasible and adequate to perform in any universities. Findings of this paper set ground for our further research, and participation in this conferences proved that the scientific world is welcoming to extending the knowledge in landscape architecture and neuroscience fields.

Link to the online paper in Journal of Architecture Research Centers Consortium - ARCC